HollisVJ at pgdp.usec.com
Fri Nov 14 07:01:31 CST 2003
I have the below code on a form that is used to open another form filtered to the selected Engineer's name. The user selects their name from a combobox (UserID), if the document status is open, or pending, or in progress, the frmSystemFailure opens filtered to show their open documents. If there are not any open EFRs for the selected Engineer, the form is still opening, but it is blank. It is not giving the MsgBox, No Open EFRs.... What is wrong that the form is opening blank instead of giving the MsgBox? Virginia stDocName = "frmSystemFailure" stLinkCriteria = "[EngineerID]=" & Me![UserID] & " AND [StatusID] = 1" & _ "Or [EngineerID]=" & Me![UserID] & " AND [StatusID] = 2" & _ "Or [EngineerID]=" & Me![UserID] & " AND [StatusID] = 4" ' Check whether the user has any EFRs open. If they do, open the ' form with a filter. On Error Resume Next If DCount("FailureReportNo", "tblSystemMain", stLinkCriteria) Then DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria Else 'DisplayMessage "No open EFRs" MsgBox "No open EFRs for " & Forms![frmUpdateEFRs]![UserID].Column(1) End If