[AccessD] OT: Adding multiple 'records' in a W2K table using userforms?

Sad Der accessd666 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 20 05:14:06 CDT 2003

Hi group,

i'm creating a userform in Word 2000. 
At this point it fills in everything I want, EXCEPT
(of course) I do not now how I can create something to
let the user add multiple lines eg
The user has to fill in the activities he/she needs to

ID  Description          Time (in hours)
A1  Add new customers       2 
A2  Remove new customers    1
A3  Add new products        2

What control do I need to create the above? i tried
the [Microsoft Flexgrid Control] but I couldn't enter
any info. If this IS the control I need how do I
export this info to the actual table in the word
document? Is this also possible with bookmarks?



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