marcel.vreuls at
marcel.vreuls at
Mon Oct 20 08:29:09 CDT 2003
Kath, Thanks for your code. I found this one (without the code) and a solution to keep a recordset permanent open to prevent a lock of the LDB file. Marcel "Kath Pelletti" <SDSSoftware at> op 20-10-2003 14:55:45 Antwoord aub aan Access Developers discussion and problem solving <accessd at> Verzonden door: accessd-bounces at Aan: <AccessD at> cc: Onderwerp: [AccessD] mdb speed I deleted the message from marcel(?) too fast - but Marcel here is some code previously posted to the list to turn off all subdatasheets in your tables, ie. to set the name of the subdatasheet name to "None". (Sorry - can't credit original author...) Marcel - there have been some really good posts to the list on speed and performance issues - maybe a search for 'speed' in the archives would be of some help to you? Kath Function TurnOffSubDataSheets() Dim MyDB As DAO.Database Dim MyProperty As DAO.Property Dim propName As String Dim PropType As Integer Dim propVal As String Dim strS As String Set MyDB = CurrentDb propName = "SubDataSheetName" PropType = 10 propVal = "[NONE]" On Error Resume Next For I = 0 To MyDB.TableDefs.Count - 1 If (MyDB.TableDefs(I).Attributes And dbSystemObject) = 0 Then If MyDB.TableDefs(I).Properties(propName).Value <> propVal Then MyDB.TableDefs(I).Properties(propName).Value = propVal intChangedTables = intChangedTables + 1 End If If Err.Number = 3270 Then Set MyProperty = MyDB.TableDefs(I).CreateProperty(propName) MyProperty.Type = PropType MyProperty.Value = propVal MyDB.TableDefs(I).Properties.Append MyProperty Else If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & " on Table " _ & MyDB.TableDefs(I).Name & "." MyDB.Close Exit Function End If End If End If Next I MsgBox "The " & propName & _ " value for all non-system tables has been updated to " & propVal & "." MyDB.Close End Function Kath Pelletti Software Design & Solutions Pty Ltd. Ph: 9505-6714 Fax: 9505-6430 sdssoftware at _______________________________________________ AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: ***************************************************************** Dit bericht is bij binnenkomst gecontroleerd op de aanwezigheid van virussen. Er zijn geen (bekende) virussen gevonden. Active ***************************************************************** ********************* DISCLAIMER ********************* De informatie in dit e-mail bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Verstrekking aan en gebruik door anderen is niet toegestaan. Door de electronische verzending van het bericht kunnen er geen rechten worden ontleend aan de informatie. ************************************************************