[AccessD] BE Updater questions

Bryan Carbonnell carbonnb at sympatico.ca
Fri Oct 24 18:31:24 CDT 2003

On 24 Oct 2003 at 19:22, Arthur Fuller wrote:

> I have never downloaded this and never used it because only now in the
> last several years have I been concerned with MDBs. But now I'm
> performing surgery on an MDB and the surgery is radical. I am adding
> columns, replacing char PKs with autonum PKs, normalizing subtables
> into actual tables and so on.
> I can't believe that BE Updater can handle the radical surgeries I am
> performing. Someone on the project please tell me I'm wrong -- it
> could save me writing many lines of code.

I CAN do just about anything you need it to.

Add/Delete/Modify tables/fields

It can run SQL statements.

It slices, it dices.

What do you need it to do?

Bryan Carbonnell - carbonnb at sympatico.ca
I've learned....
That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself 
with people smarter than I am.

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