Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Wed Oct 8 21:59:41 CDT 2003
Hey Group I have to do procedure that checks if macro was already executed today (in the last 14 hrs) and if yes doesn't do it again. I am taking last time it was created from a table that contains only one record. Can someone please remind me on how do I put the new value back into the table ? Write now I get the error message that current database doesn't support update... Also, do Ineed to use ADO, or can do without if the table with date value is in the same database ? Option Compare Database Dim ss As New ADODB.Connection Dim rr As New ADODB.Recordset Dim last_time As Date Dim nnow As Date Dim andy Private Sub Command1_Click() ss.ConnectionString = "DSN=Gina" ss.Open Set rr = ss.Execute("select * from Table1") last_time = rr("gina") nnow = Now() andy = DateDiff("h", last_time, nnow) If andy > 14 Then 'XXX rr("gina").Value = nnow Else MsgBox ("The function was already performed today") End If End Sub ----------------------------------------- Get Breaking News from CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS Now. http://www.xuppa.com/news/?link=webmail