[AccessD] Help!!! Dead MDB -..."stoppedtheprocessbecause...Yo uandanother user are""

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Thu Oct 9 18:40:23 CDT 2003

There is a counter in the NIC Rom that can be interrogated for errors or 
incomplete packets, You can get at this counter to check for a high 
error rate via Network Admin Tools or WMI.
If you have network admin privileges run first routine if not run second 
and third sub on suspected machine as testallnics(".")
Look at counts for TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions:  and 
 They may give you some indication of errors.
Sub testsystem()
'add reference to WMI extension
Dim locator As Object
Dim service As Object
Dim system As Object
Dim SystemSet As Object
Dim SystemSetAll As Object
Dim VarInstance As Object
'You must be member of administrator group
Set locator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set service = locator.connectserver
Set SystemSet = service.Get("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
Set VarInstance = SystemSet.Instances_
For Each system In VarInstance
    If system.Index = 0 Then
        Debug.Print (system.Description)
        Debug.Print (system.ServiceName)
        Debug.Print (system.IPAddress(0))
        Debug.Print (system.IPSubnet(0))
        Debug.Print (system.MACAddress)
        Debug.Print (system.Description)
        Debug.Print (system.ServiceName)
        Debug.Print (system.IPAddress(0))
        Debug.Print (system.IPSubnet(0))
        Debug.Print (system.MACAddress)
End If
Set SystemSetAll = 
For Each system In SystemSetAll
      Debug.Print "Computername " & system.Name
      testallnics (system.Name)

End Sub

Sub testallnics(strComputer As String)
'Dim strComputer As String
Dim objWMIService As Object
Dim colitems As Object
Dim objitem As Object
On Error Resume Next
'strComputer = "." 'initial test
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colitems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from 
Win32_NetworkAdapter", , 48)
For Each objitem In colitems
    Debug.Print "AdapterType: " & objitem.AdapterType
    Debug.Print "AutoSense: " & objitem.AutoSense
    Debug.Print "Availability: " & objitem.Availability
    Debug.Print "Caption: " & objitem.Caption
    Debug.Print "ConfigManagerErrorCode: " & objitem.ConfigManagerErrorCode
    Debug.Print "ConfigManagerUserConfig: " & 
    Debug.Print "CreationClassName: " & objitem.CreationClassName
    Debug.Print "Description: " & objitem.Description
    Debug.Print "DeviceID: " & objitem.DeviceID
    Debug.Print "ErrorCleared: " & objitem.ErrorCleared
    Debug.Print "ErrorDescription: " & objitem.ErrorDescription
    Debug.Print "Index: " & objitem.Index
    Debug.Print "InstallDate: " & objitem.InstallDate
    Debug.Print "Installed: " & objitem.Installed
    Debug.Print "LastErrorCode: " & objitem.LastErrorCode
    Debug.Print "MACAddress: " & objitem.MACAddress
    Debug.Print "Manufacturer: " & objitem.Manufacturer
    Debug.Print "MaxNumberControlled: " & objitem.MaxNumberControlled
    Debug.Print "MaxSpeed: " & objitem.MaxSpeed
    Debug.Print "Name: " & objitem.Name
    Debug.Print "NetworkAddresses: " & objitem.NetworkAddresses
    Debug.Print "PermanentAddress: " & objitem.PermanentAddress
    Debug.Print "PNPDeviceID: " & objitem.PNPDeviceID
    Debug.Print "PowerManagementCapabilities: " & 
    Debug.Print "PowerManagementSupported: " & 
    Debug.Print "ProductName: " & objitem.ProductName
    Debug.Print "ServiceName: " & objitem.ServiceName
    Debug.Print "Speed: " & objitem.Speed
    Debug.Print "Status: " & objitem.Status
    Debug.Print "StatusInfo: " & objitem.StatusInfo
    Debug.Print "SystemCreationClassName: " & 
    Debug.Print "SystemName: " & objitem.SystemName
    Debug.Print "TimeOfLastReset: " & objitem.TimeOfLastReset
End Sub

Sub testnicconfig()

'The Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WMI class represents
'the attributes and behaviors of a network adapter.
'This class has been extended to include extra properties and methods
'that support the management of the TCP/IP and Internetworking Packet 
Exchange (IPX)
'protocols (and are independent of the network adapter).
Dim strComputer As String
Dim objWMIService As Object
Dim colitems As Object
Dim objitem As Object
On Error Resume Next
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colitems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from 
Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration", , 48)
For Each objitem In colitems
    Debug.Print "ArpAlwaysSourceRoute: " & objitem.ArpAlwaysSourceRoute
    Debug.Print "ArpUseEtherSNAP: " & objitem.ArpUseEtherSNAP
    Debug.Print "Caption: " & objitem.Caption
    Debug.Print "DatabasePath: " & objitem.DatabasePath
    Debug.Print "DeadGWDetectEnabled: " & objitem.DeadGWDetectEnabled
    Debug.Print "DefaultIPGateway: " & objitem.DefaultIPGateway
    Debug.Print "DefaultTOS: " & objitem.DefaultTOS
    Debug.Print "DefaultTTL: " & objitem.DefaultTTL
    Debug.Print "Description: " & objitem.Description
    Debug.Print "DHCPEnabled: " & objitem.DHCPEnabled
    Debug.Print "DHCPLeaseExpires: " & objitem.DHCPLeaseExpires
    Debug.Print "DHCPLeaseObtained: " & objitem.DHCPLeaseObtained
    Debug.Print "DHCPServer: " & objitem.DHCPServer
    Debug.Print "DNSDomain: " & objitem.DNSDomain
    Debug.Print "DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder: " & 
    Debug.Print "DNSEnabledForWINSResolution: " & 
    Debug.Print "DNSHostName: " & objitem.DNSHostName
    Debug.Print "DNSServerSearchOrder: " & objitem.DNSServerSearchOrder
    Debug.Print "DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled: " & 
    Debug.Print "ForwardBufferMemory: " & objitem.ForwardBufferMemory
    Debug.Print "FullDNSRegistrationEnabled: " & 
    Debug.Print "GatewayCostMetric: " & objitem.GatewayCostMetric
    Debug.Print "IGMPLevel: " & objitem.IGMPLevel
    Debug.Print "Index: " & objitem.Index
    Debug.Print "IPAddress: " & objitem.IPAddress
    Debug.Print "IPConnectionMetric: " & objitem.IPConnectionMetric
    Debug.Print "IPEnabled: " & objitem.IPEnabled
    Debug.Print "IPFilterSecurityEnabled: " & 
    Debug.Print "IPPortSecurityEnabled: " & objitem.IPPortSecurityEnabled
    Debug.Print "IPSecPermitIPProtocols: " & objitem.IPSecPermitIPProtocols
    Debug.Print "IPSecPermitTCPPorts: " & objitem.IPSecPermitTCPPorts
    Debug.Print "IPSecPermitUDPPorts: " & objitem.IPSecPermitUDPPorts
    Debug.Print "IPSubnet: " & objitem.IPSubnet
    Debug.Print "IPUseZeroBroadcast: " & objitem.IPUseZeroBroadcast
    Debug.Print "IPXAddress: " & objitem.IPXAddress
    Debug.Print "IPXEnabled: " & objitem.IPXEnabled
    Debug.Print "IPXFrameType: " & objitem.IPXFrameType
    Debug.Print "IPXMediaType: " & objitem.IPXMediaType
    Debug.Print "IPXNetworkNumber: " & objitem.IPXNetworkNumber
    Debug.Print "IPXVirtualNetNumber: " & objitem.IPXVirtualNetNumber
    Debug.Print "KeepAliveInterval: " & objitem.KeepAliveInterval
    Debug.Print "KeepAliveTime: " & objitem.KeepAliveTime
    Debug.Print "MACAddress: " & objitem.MACAddress
    Debug.Print "MTU: " & objitem.MTU
    Debug.Print "NumForwardPackets: " & objitem.NumForwardPackets
    Debug.Print "PMTUBHDetectEnabled: " & objitem.PMTUBHDetectEnabled
    Debug.Print "PMTUDiscoveryEnabled: " & objitem.PMTUDiscoveryEnabled
    Debug.Print "ServiceName: " & objitem.ServiceName
    Debug.Print "SettingID: " & objitem.SettingID
    Debug.Print "TcpipNetbiosOptions: " & objitem.TcpipNetbiosOptions
    Debug.Print "TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions: " & 
    Debug.Print "TcpMaxDataRetransmissions: " & 
    Debug.Print "TcpNumConnections: " & objitem.TcpNumConnections
    Debug.Print "TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer: " & 
    Debug.Print "TcpWindowSize: " & objitem.TcpWindowSize
    Debug.Print "WINSEnableLMHostsLookup: " & 
    Debug.Print "WINSHostLookupFile: " & objitem.WINSHostLookupFile
    Debug.Print "WINSPrimaryServer: " & objitem.WINSPrimaryServer
    Debug.Print "WINSScopeID: " & objitem.WINSScopeID
    Debug.Print "WINSSecondaryServer: " & objitem.WINSSecondaryServer
End Sub
Heenan, Lambert wrote:

>NIC: Network Interface Card
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From:	Garraway, Alun [SMTP:Alun.Garraway at otto.de]
>>Sent:	Thursday, October 09, 2003 9:53 AM
>>To:	Access Developers discussion and problem solving
>>Subject:	AW: [AccessD]	Help!!! Dead MDB
>>-..."stoppedtheprocessbecause...Youandanother user are""
>>out of interest, what is a NIC?
>>btw while I'm asking, what does LOL mean, after 3 months I can still think
>>of nothing :-(
>>	-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>	Von: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>>[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]Im Auftrag von William
>>	Gesendet: Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2003 02:14
>>	An: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
>>	Betreff: Re: [AccessD] Help!!! Dead MDB
>>-..."stoppedtheprocessbecause...Youandanother user are""
>>	...bad nics have caused a couple of corrupted XP mdbs for me
>>...nothing as bad as you describe but its one of the first things I look
>>for now ...if Access is in the midst of a transaction when the nic fails,
>>it tends to blow the be mdb ime.
>>	William Hindman
>>	< <http://www.freestateproject.org>> - Do you want liberty in your
>>		----- Original Message ----- 
>>		From: MarkH <mailto:lists at theopg.com> 
>>		To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
>><mailto:accessd at databaseadvisors.com> 
>>		Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 7:32 PM
>>		Subject: RE: [AccessD] Help!!! Dead MDB
>>-..."stoppedtheprocessbecause...Youand another user are""
>>		Thanks Drew... I've been exporting any edited objects ever
>>since, not just backing up the mdb. Hadn't thought about the NIC, what
>>makes you mention it?
>>		Cheers
>>		Mark
>>			-----Original Message-----
>>			From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>><mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com>
>>[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Drew Wutka
>>			Sent: 08 October 2003 23:29
>>			To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem
>>			Subject: RE: [AccessD] Help!!! Dead MDB -
>>..."stoppedtheprocessbecause...Youand another user are""
>>			It can be a faulty NIC.  I'd be very careful.
>>			Drew
>>			-----Original Message-----
>>			From: MarkH [mailto:lists at theopg.com]
>>			Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 3:04 PM
>>			To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem
>>			Subject: RE: [AccessD] Help!!! Dead MDB -
>>..."stoppedtheprocessbecause...Youand another user are""
>>			Not really...  The mdb exited fine, there was no
>>indication of a problem. Its a new file with less than 25 objects or so,
>>not even a meg in size. The laptop did bluescreen when I shut it down
>>though, but that was more than an hour later. 
>>			Mark
>>			-----Original Message-----
>>			From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>>[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Kath Pelletti
>>			Sent: 08 October 2003 02:25
>>			To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
>>			Subject: Re: [AccessD] Help!!! Dead MDB -
>>..."stoppedtheprocessbecause...Youand another user are""
>>			Mark - such a bummer when you waste time on that
>>stuff - did you work out how the corruption happened in the first place?
>>Anything specific?
>>			Kath
>>			----- Original Message ----- 
>>			From: MarkH <mailto:lists at theopg.com> 
>>			To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem
>>solving' <mailto:accessd at databaseadvisors.com> 
>>			Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 8:52 AM
>>			Subject: RE: [AccessD] Help!!! Dead MDB -
>>..."stopped theprocessbecause...Youand another user are""
>>			Thanks, I know... But it was 3 very manic hours
>>butchering code from
>>			several different projects and merging it into one
>>new one... I was
>>			hoping not to have to go through it again. Did it
>>this morning ... 
>>			Cheers
>>			Mark
>>			-----Original Message-----
>>			From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>><mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com>
>>			[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On
>>Behalf Of Jim Dettman
>>			Sent: 07 October 2003 14:07
>>			To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
>>			Subject: RE: [AccessD] Help!!! Dead MDB -
>>..."stopped the
>>			processbecause...Youand another user are""
>>			Mark,
>>			  Only 3 hours?  Goto to the backup!  You've
>>probably wasted 3 hours
>>			already trying to get the old file to work.
>>			Jim Dettman
>>			President,
>>			Online Computer Services of WNY, Inc.
>>			(315) 699-3443
>>			jimdettman at earthlink.net
>><mailto:jimdettman at earthlink.net>
>>			-----Original Message-----
>>			From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>><mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com>
>>			[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On
>>Behalf Of MarkH
>>			Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 8:48 PM
>>			To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem
>>			Subject: RE: [AccessD] Help!!! Dead MDB -
>>..."stopped the
>>			processbecause...You and another user are""
>>			Thanks... But I can't even import one object.
>>Whatever I do I get the
>>			same error. I have a backup at work, but I don't
>>want to lose those
>>			particular 3 hours work... I hate doing the same
>>thing twice :O(
>>			Cheers
>>			Mark
>>			-----Original Message-----
>>			From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>><mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com>
>>			[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On
>>Behalf Of Rocky Smolin
>>			- Beach Access Software
>>			Sent: 07 October 2003 00:43
>>			To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
>>			Subject: Re: [AccessD] Help!!! Dead MDB -
>>..."stopped the process
>>			because...You and another user are""
>>			Mark:
>>			I'd try importing the objects a few at a time to try
>>to find the one
>>			that's causing the problem.  Any backups?  Previous
>>versions from which
>>			you could import the object that's corrupted in the
>>current version?
>>			Rocky
>>			----- Original Message -----
>>			From: "MarkH" < lists at theopg.com
>><mailto:lists at theopg.com>>
>>			To: "'Access Developers discussion and problem
>>			< accessd at databaseadvisors.com
>><mailto:accessd at databaseadvisors.com>>
>>			Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 2:04 PM
>>			Subject: [AccessD] Help!!! Dead MDB - ..."stopped
>>the process because...
>>			You and another user are""
>>			> Hello...
>>			>
>>			> I got a bad feeling on this one... I have an MDB
>>in XP that wont open.
>>			>
>>			> I get the message "The Microsoft Jet Database
>>engine stopped the 
>>			> process because you and another user are
>>attempting to change the same
>>			> data at the same time.". It doesn't go any
>>			>
>>			> I get the same error if I compact and repair or
>>try and import the 
>>			> objects... :O(
>>			>
>>			> Any ideas much appreciated
>>			>
>>			> mark

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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