[AccessD] Re: Number vs text data type

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Tue Oct 14 03:00:31 CDT 2003

Hi Robert

With all respect I disagree. The rule should be reversed:

  If you are not going to use the number as a string,
  store it as a number.

The exceptions are only those where the numbers exceed the capacity of
your database engine, normally at least 14 digits (Jet: Currency) and
a Long Integer is always available which holds 9 digits.

Also, as several have stated, there may be some good reason for not
storing a number as a number but as a numeric string. The most common
situations are those where the place holder has a meaning. An example
is old accounting systems where longer account numbers indicate lower
levels relative to shorter account numbers:

       4        Main account
       48       Sub account of 4
       482      Sub account of 48
       8        Main account
       ...      etc.

One way to avoid strings in this case is to decide on a maximum length
for account numbers, say 6, and append traling zeroes:

       400000   Main account
       480000   Sub account of 4
       482000   Sub account of 48
       800000   Main account
       ...      etc.

Another example is something like product numbers where leading zeroes
are used but the length of the numbers varies. Such a combination
cannot be sorted by formatting with leading zeroes as you don't know
how many zeroes to add:


However, in many countries postal codes are pure numerics and of fixed
length, so there's no reason to store a, say, four digit number as a
string when a two-byte Integer can do.

And here every company is identified for the authorities by a fixed
8-digit number like 12002696. Although it should be formatted as
12-00-26-96 I see no special reason for storing it as text.


> Simple rule...

> If you are not going to do math with it, store it as text,
> except when using it as a dumb primary key/foreign key.

> All of the reason cited in the posts are correct.  But
> if you need a list of numbers stored as text sorted
> properly, just pad it with 0 or space on the left side.
> Everything will be sorted correctly.

> The reason the keys should stay numeric is the speed of
> the search for a record.  It is a few milliseconds faster.

> Robert

> At 12:00 PM 10/13/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>>Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 08:47:57 -0700
>>From: "Charlotte Foust" <cfoust at infostatsystems.com>
>>Subject: RE: [AccessD] Number vs text data type
>>To: "Access Developers discussion and problem solving"
>>         <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
>>         <E61FC1D4B1918244905B113C680BEA8631236E at infoserver01.infostat.local>
>>Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"
>>Same holds true for social security numbers in the US and for telephone
>>numbers everywhere.  There are good reasons NOT to use numbers for some
>>kinds of numeric data, which is probably where the argument comes from
>>in the first place, that and the old approach of squeezing everything
>>into the smallest possible datatype to shave storage bytes.
>>Charlotte Foust

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