[AccessD] More Date issues

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Oct 15 01:31:29 CDT 2003


Let's take   "1 Feb 03"
> Dim Finished As Date
You have dimmed it as a Date, 
> Finished = Format(Forms![worksheet]![FinalDate], "mm\/dd\/yyyy")
Format() creates a Variant containing a string  "02/01/03"
You now poke that into the date variable "Finished". When you do so, 
the system converts the string into a date and uses your regional 
settings so interprets it as "2 Jan 03"

You would have been OK if you had dimmed Finished as String  :-)

>     ' Create SQL string.
>     strSQL = "UPDATE worksheet SET finished = #" & Finished & "# WHERE 
> tsid = " & TSID
>     ' Run action query.
>     mydb.Execute strSQL

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