[AccessD] ADO 2.6 help file

Jim DeMarco Jdemarco at hshhp.org
Wed Oct 22 06:51:46 CDT 2003

Thanks Marty and Dave.  

I put shortcuts to missing help files on the start menu so I can just press the Windows key to get to them.  It was the .chi file I was missing.  You can install this help file without installing the SDK.  I Googled ado260.chm and found a site that has them posted (www.debian.goldweb.com.au).

Jim DeMarco

-----Original Message-----
From: MartyConnelly [mailto:martyconnelly at shaw.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 8:13 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] ADO 2.6 help file

or this

Don't worry it gets worse. The new SDK for MDAC installs ado270.hxs It 
has entries covering 2.8.
It is only accessible  through the desktop SDK program menu or if you 
install FAR help or you have visual studio .net installed

I don't think the chm file type, compiled help existed when Access 97 
was brought out
I just use a desktop shortcut to the file ado260.chm. I have about 5 
like this, for various help files like xml.
To get to the desktop shortcuts quickly I use the Window-M Key

To get it to work with Access XP and ado260.chm

    1. Install MDAC 2..6 SDK, which contains the help files themselves
(ado260.chm & ado260.chi)
    2. Copy said files to the appropriate help folder (v.g.,
C:\WINDOWS\Help) to enable context-sensitive help in the VBA IDE (v.g.,
select an item in the Object Browser and hit F1).

dave sharpe wrote:

>Jim - the following might help
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Jim DeMarco" <Jdemarco at hshhp.org>
>To: "AccessD (E-mail)" <AccessD at databaseadvisors.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 2:25 PM
>Subject: [AccessD] ADO 2.6 help file
>Just got a new PC and now I've got to see what our setup guy left out.
>First found (not found rather) is the ADO 2.6 help file (or any ADO help
>file for that matter).  I tried downloading and installing MDAC 2.6 but
>pressing F1 while the cursor is on the ADODB.Connection declaration tells me
>the file does not exist.  I tried downloading ado260.chm from a couple of
>sites but Access is still not recognizing them and opening the chm file
>directly shows the help file start page but no search results for any text
>entered.  Does anyone know how to get the ADO help files installed and
>recognized by Access (97)?
>Jim DeMarco
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Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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