[AccessD] Direct Print

MastercafeCTV mastercafe at ctv.es
Tue Oct 28 10:44:32 CST 2003

Hi group:
We are using some routines to print direct to the LPTx: port on our
programs, but the problem is that Win2k or WinXP we can't select any LPTx:
if not exist on the local machine.
The actual routine to print is

Sub PrintTxt ( Puerto as string, Texto as string)
'Rem normal use is Open "LPT1:" for Output as #1
Open puerto for Output as #1
Print #1, texto
Close #1
Exit sub
End Sub

If use Win98SE you can capture any port like Set LPT2: = \\server\epsonTM88
On win2k and winXP we haven't (i don't know if it's possible)

We have same problem to use printers on a network or USB connection.

Basically we need send some control characters in ASCii format to any
printer on a network.

Any ideas?


Juan Menéndez

MASTERCAFE SL - NIF B-82.617.614
Deleg. Asturias 
Tel 985.88.49.44 / 627.531.764
Fax 627.500.205
info at mastercafe.com
juan at mastercafe.com
Deleg. Madrid
Tel 627.474.285
cecilia at mastercafe.com

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