[AccessD] Days Past Due - Grace Period

Hollis,Virginia HollisVJ at pgdp.usec.com
Wed Sep 3 14:25:19 CDT 2003

A project review must be completed within 5 days. If a project review is
over 5 days past due and the status is Pending, a label shows "Past Due &
the number of days it is past due". The Past Due date is based on the date
the record was entered into the system.
Problem: I need the past due label to show not the days past due from the
DateEntered, but count the days Over 5. For example, the project was entered
8/28/2003, once the project is >= 5 days past 8/28/2003 or on 9/4/2003 the
label shows this project is past due 6 days. What I really need is the label
to show it is past due 1 day, because they do have a 5 day grace period. I
use this on forms & the reports.
Used in the query to determine the number of days past due:
PastDue: DateDiff("d",[DateEntered],Now())
OnCurrent of the form:
If DateEntered <= DateAdd("d", -5, Date) And StatusID = 1 Then 'Status is
pending and review is 5 days past due.
       Me!DateEntered.ForeColor = lngRed 'Date entered is red
       Me!LateDate.Visible = True ' Show the sad face
       Me.DaysPastDue.Visible = True 'Show past due label
        Me!DateEntered.ForeColor = lngBlack 'Review is not past due, Date
Entered is black
        Me!LateDate.Visible = False 'No sad face
        Me.DaysPastDue.Visible = False 'No past due label.
    End If
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