[AccessD] Archive (was: Days Past Due - Grace Period)

Bryan Carbonnell Bryan_Carbonnell at cbc.ca
Fri Sep 5 11:23:19 CDT 2003

Yea. Sorry 'bout that. Trying to do 12 things at once, not doing any of
them well and not proofreading e-mails <sigh>

Let's try this again in english :-)

To search the AccessD archives:

1) Goto http://www.databaseadvisors.com

2) Click the Archives link in the left navigation menu. This will take
you to a "new" page.

3) In the search box in the body of the page, NOT the one at the top of
the page, enter your search term(s)

4) Hit enter or click the Go button beside it.

If you hit Enter, a new browser window will open. If you click the go
button, then the search will open in the frame in the middle of the

Bryan Carbonnell
bryan_carbonnell at cbc.ca

>>> wdhindman at bellsouth.net 05-Sep-03 12:02:13 PM >>>
...search ...deciphering Bryan's instructions ...figuring out why its
hard to search our own archives ...etc ...etc :)))

William Hindman

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