[AccessD] Info: Free Windows Fortran 77 Compiler

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Sun Sep 14 22:06:41 CDT 2003

If you are looking for Fortran MathTools to convert to VB.Net

or like the  following

Using this base, routines are provided that return:
    (1)  Beta random deviates
    (2)  Chi-square random deviates
    (3)  Exponential random deviates
    (4)  F random deviates
    (5)  Gamma random deviates
    (6)  Multivariate normal random deviates (mean and covariance
         matrix specified)
    (7)  Noncentral chi-square random deviates
    (8)  Noncentral F random deviates
    (9)  Univariate normal random deviates
    (10) Random permutations of an integer array
    (11) Real uniform random deviates between specified limits
    (12) Binomial random deviates
    (13) Poisson random deviates
    (14) Integer uniform deviates between specified limits
    (15) Seeds for the random number generator calculated from a
         character string

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