[AccessD] Date issues in Access

connie.kamrowski at agric.nsw.gov.au connie.kamrowski at agric.nsw.gov.au
Sun Sep 21 20:46:01 CDT 2003

This worked a treat with some minor tweaking.

Thanks Gustav!

Connie Kamrowski

Information Technology
NSW Agriculture

|         |           Gustav Brock             |
|         |           <gustav at cactus.dk>       |
|         |           Sent by:                 |
|         |           accessd-bounces at databasea|
|         |           dvisors.com              |
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|         |                                    |
|         |           20/09/03 12:52 AM        |
|         |           Please respond to Access |
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  |       To:       Access Developers discussion and problem solving <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>              |
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  |       Subject:  Re: [AccessD] Date issues in Access                                                          |

Hi Connie

Newbie or not, you've hit a sensitive topic of this list:
Internationalization (look up the archive) ...

Your basic problem is that this crappy function is (1) clumsy, (2) for
US developers only. If you google on "DiffBusinessDays_TSB" you'll see
some even more crappy variations on this at Experts-Exchange where it
has been ghosting for a couple of years.

First, as Stuart already has pointed out, dates in SQL code must be
formatted as US style strings; no exceptions.

Second, DateDiff() should be used for comparing date values. However,
in SQL it is much easier to use Between .. And as this is symmetric
(it doesn't matter wether the newest date is first or last) if you
take care of that it will include both the start and end date.

Thus, first, you'll have to modify your code to use US formatted date
strings ("The Lembit method" as our fellow lister Lembit was the first
to point this issue out and how to solve it). This function will help
if you do not want to mess up your SQL string with the formatting


Public Function StrDateSQL(ByVal dat As Date) As String

' Formats full string of date/time in US format for SQL.
' Overrides local (non US) settings for date/time separators.
' Example output:
'   #08/16/1998 04:03:36 PM#
' 1999-10-21. Cactus Data ApS, CPH.

  StrDateSQL = Format(dat, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy hh\:nn\:ss AM/PM\#")

End Function


For your purpose you could modify strDateSQL to

  StrDateSQL = Format(dat, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#")

Note that it includes the hash marks which must wrap date strings in

Now your code can be modified as this (don't know about the
DiffWeekdays_TSB() function):

<code snip>

   ' Calculate number of weekdays between two dates:
   lngWeekdays = DiffWeekdays_TSB(datDay1, datDay2)

   Dim db              As Database
   Dim rst             As Recordset

   Dim strSQL          As String
   Dim strDay1         As String
   Dim strDay2         As String
   Dim strField        As String
   Dim lngWeekdays     As Long
   Dim lngBusinessDays As Long

   strDay1 = StrDateSQL(datDay1)
   strDay2 = StrDateSQL(datDay2)

   Set db = CurrentDb()
   strField = "[" & strHolidayField & "]"

   strSQL = "SELECT Count("*") - 1 AS Count "
   strSQL = strSQL & "FROM " & strHolidayTbl & " "
   strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (" & strField & " "
   strSQL = strSQL & "BETWEEN " & strDay1 & " "
   strSQL = strSQL & "AND " & strDay2 & ");"

   MsgBox "Long Week Days is " & lngWeekdays
   MsgBox "Start Date is " & datDay1
   MsgBox "End Date is " & datDay2

   Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
   lngBusinessDays = rst![Count]

   MsgBox "Long Business Days is " & lngBusinessDays


   Set rst = Nothing
   Set db = Nothing

   DiffBusinessDays_TSB = lngWeekdays - lngBusinessDays

</code snip>

This is not tested as I don't have these tables so corrections may be
needed but you probably get the idea.


> The dates in Question are datDay1 and datDay2 ,
> Some background here... I am a newly appointed Analyst programmer and am
> trying to troubleshoot thsi application which was written in 1995 by
> someone who is long gone from the organization.

> The formula involved is to calculate the number of days between two
> I get an error on the result of the number of longBusiness days,  as
> follows:

> Public Function DiffBusinessDays_TSB(datDay1 As Date, datDay2 As Date,
> strHolidayTbl As String, strHolidayField As String) As Long
>   ' Comments  : Returns the number of business days between two dates
>   '             The days are rounded down -- it takes 24 hours to make a
> day.
>   '             Weekend dates (Saturday and Sunday) and holidays are not
> counted.
>   ' Parameters: datDay1 - first (earlier) date/time (subtracted from
> datDay2)
>   '             datDay2 - second (later) date/time
>   '             strHolidayTbl - name of holiday table
>   '             strHolidayField - field name of holiday dates in the
> holiday table
>   ' Returns   : Number of whole business days between two dates
>   '             (Returns negative days if datDay1 is after datDay2)
>   '

>   Dim db As Database
>   Dim rst As Recordset
>   Dim strSQL As String
>   Dim strField As String
>   Dim lngWeekdays As Long
>   Dim lngBusinessDays As Long

>   ' Calculate number of weekdays between two dates:
>   lngWeekdays = DiffWeekdays_TSB(datDay1, datDay2)

>   datDay1 = Format$(datDay1, "dd/mm/yy")
>   datDay2 = Format$(datDay2, "dd/mm/yy")

>   Set db = CurrentDb()
>     strField = "[" & strHolidayTbl & "].[" & strHolidayField & "]"
>     strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCTROW Count(" & strField & ") AS Count"
>     strSQL = strSQL & " FROM " & strHolidayTbl
>     strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE ((" & strField & " "
>     If datDay1 <= datDay2 Then
>       strSQL = strSQL & ">=#" & datDay1 & "# And "
>       strSQL = strSQL & strField & "<#" & datDay2 & "#));"
>     Else
>       strSQL = strSQL & ">=#" & datDay2 & "# And "
>       strSQL = strSQL & strField & "<#" & datDay1 & "#));"
>     End If
>      msgbox "long Week Days is " & lngWeekdays
>      msgbox "Start Date is " & datDay1 Returns correct value
>      msgbox "End Date is " & datDay2 Returns correct value
>     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
>       lngBusinessDays = rst![Count]
>     rst.Close
>   db.Close

>  msgbox "long Business Days is " & lngBusinessDays Returns incorrect

>   DiffBusinessDays_TSB = lngWeekdays - lngBusinessDays

> End Function

> Connie Kamrowski

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