[AccessD] Slow loop through list box

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Thu Sep 25 04:55:46 CDT 2003

Hi David

Well, how about the Click event ...?
This will also fire when using keys.


  Dim lst         As ListBox

  Dim lngIndex    As Long
  Dim strKey      As String
  Dim booSelected As Boolean

  Set lst = Me!lstDemo
  With lst
    lngIndex = .ListIndex + Abs(.ColumnHeads)
    strKey = .ItemData(lngIndex)
    booSelected = .Selected(lngIndex)
  End With

  MsgBox strKey & ":" & Str(booSelected)

  If booSelected = True Then
    ' Append strKey to collection/selection.
    ' Remove strKey from collection/selection.
  End If

  Set lst = Nothing


However, the event will fire also when using the navigation keys.
Thus, I would follow the advice of Drew to append/remove the selected
items to an (interim) collection or array and only run the
append/delete action query (or code) on the table if an item really is
appended or removed from the collection or array.


> How do I determine which item has just been selected/deselected?  Then I 
> could add it if selected, or delete if deselected.

>>It sounds/looks like you are building the complete list every time an
>>item is selected. Why not add only that item which has been selected?
>> > I have a listbox which is used to select clients for including in
>> > reports.  When the listbox is updated I have a separate text box that 
>> > shows
>> > the names of the clients selected and the number selected.  At the same
>> > time I store the ID's of the clients in a table that is used to filter out
>> > the required client records. The initial list box has over 1800 names.  It
>> > is taking about 10 seconds to update the lists each time a client is
>> > selected.  If I rem out the adding of ID's to the table then the time
>> > reduces to about 3 seconds.  The main part of the code is -
>> >      With Me!lstClientList
>> >          For Each varItem In .ItemsSelected
>> >              If .Selected(varItem) = True Then
>> >                  strList = strList & .Column(1, varItem) & vbCrLf  ' Adds
>> > client name to selected list
>> >                  intClientNo = intClientNo + 
>> 1                            '
>> > Counts number of selected clients
>> >                  rst.AddNew
>> > 'Add client ID to table
>> >                      rst!CustIDNo = .Column(0, varItem)
>> >                  rst.Update
>> >              End If
>> >          Next varItem
>> >      End With
>> > Any thoughts as to how I can speed up the process?  The BE is SQL2000.

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