[AccessD] Displaying networked data?

Harry Coenen pharryecoenen at btinternet.com
Tue Apr 20 15:32:04 CDT 2004

Hi All

I have a data set, representing policy targets, which is currently ordered
hierarchically, the core tblTargets relating each target to its
ParentTarget. In reality these targets are also related in other ways, e.g.:
- sequentially, some targets preceding others
- jointly, some targets should be evaluated in relation with others
elsewhere in the hierarchy
- externally, each target relating to one or more external targets
(compliance requirements set by a myriad of regulators)
- influentially, a target may or may not influence other targets
- normatively, delivery on each targets can be measured in one or more ways

Do you know of OCX controls capable of visually representing and navigating
such a network of targets.

Currently, I display the hierarchy (in a treeview) and list childtargets,
and other relation types in subforms on tabs of the target form. I have one
proto-solution, consisting of hierachies in different dimensions, to be
displayed bu one treeview selecting the dimensions and a second displaying
the associated hierarchy.



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