[AccessD] Appointment collisions

John W. Colby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Apr 7 21:23:29 CDT 2004

Lets try that again.  I got a couple of other functions in the first email

For anyone who has never seen the code, Lembit donated the following code
which I documented and placed into a function which checks for appointment
collisions.  I just finished building a set of two queries and a report to
display any collisions between times entered into my billing programs.  I
work on site a lot and if I don't have my laptop I keep an email open which
I then email home to myself with my hours and a brief summary of what I am
doing.  In any case I end up copying that into my billing program every few
days.  I have always "manually" checked my hours to make sure I didn't enter
times in wrong, but a simple report to tell me if I am entering overlapping
times is a must.  There is nothing more embarrassing that billing the
customer twice for the same time!

The following is the function.

'there is a 'simple' equation which defines a conflict in appointments:
'let's name the starting point of an existing appointment Se, endpoint Ee
'and for the new appointment to be tested the starting point St, endpoint Et
'now you can simply check
'If St < Ee AND Et > Se
'then you have a conflict.
'you can easily visualize that by following drawing
'As you can see, only cases 2, 3, 4, 5 have a conflict. case 1 does not have
a conflict because it ends before the existing one starts (Et < Se) and 6
does not have a conflict since it starts after the existing ends (St > Ee.
'Sets      :
'Returns   :
'Created by: Colby Consulting
'Created   : 6/25/99 11:43:56 AM
Function ccApptCollision(IDNew As Long, dtmSTNew As Date, dtmETNew As Date,
                        IDExist As Long, dtmSTExist As Date, dtmETExist As
Date) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_ccApptCollision
#If boolELE Then
    Call gProcStack.EnterProc("ccApptCollision", "Module1")
#End If

    If IDNew = IDExist Then
        ccApptCollision = False
        Exit Function
    End If

    If (dtmSTNew < dtmETExist) And (dtmETNew > dtmSTExist) Then
        ccApptCollision = True
        ccApptCollision = False
    End If

#If boolELE Then
    Call gProcStack.ExitProc("ccApptCollision")
#End If
Exit Function

#If boolELE Then
    WriteErrorLog Err
#End If
    Select Case Err
    Case 0      'insert Errors you wish to ignore here
        Resume Next
    Case Else   'All other errors will trap
        MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in function
    Resume Exit_ccApptCollision
    End Select
End Function


In my billing I keep the time and date separate.  I then build a query where
I drop the time table in twice, join on the date, then add the time and date
fields into a single value and pass them into the parameters of the function
above as well as the time record IDs from the two records.  Out pops a true
/ false value that tells me if I have a collision.  You can actually do the
same without any join but the result set can get huge in a hurry so you will
need to limit the date ranges.

Again, thanks to Lembit for the logic.
John W. Colby

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