John W. Colby
jwcolby at
Wed Apr 7 21:23:29 CDT 2004
Lets try that again. I got a couple of other functions in the first email For anyone who has never seen the code, Lembit donated the following code which I documented and placed into a function which checks for appointment collisions. I just finished building a set of two queries and a report to display any collisions between times entered into my billing programs. I work on site a lot and if I don't have my laptop I keep an email open which I then email home to myself with my hours and a brief summary of what I am doing. In any case I end up copying that into my billing program every few days. I have always "manually" checked my hours to make sure I didn't enter times in wrong, but a simple report to tell me if I am entering overlapping times is a must. There is nothing more embarrassing that billing the customer twice for the same time! The following is the function. 'Comments : THANKS TO LEMBIT SOOBIK 'there is a 'simple' equation which defines a conflict in appointments: 'let's name the starting point of an existing appointment Se, endpoint Ee 'and for the new appointment to be tested the starting point St, endpoint Et 'now you can simply check ' 'If St < Ee AND Et > Se ' 'then you have a conflict. 'you can easily visualize that by following drawing ' '_________Se______Ee______ '1_St__Et '2_St_________Et '3_St__________________Et '4___________St_Et '5___________St________Et '6_____________________St__Et ' 'As you can see, only cases 2, 3, 4, 5 have a conflict. case 1 does not have a conflict because it ends before the existing one starts (Et < Se) and 6 does not have a conflict since it starts after the existing ends (St > Ee. ' 'Parameters: 'Sets : 'Returns : 'Created by: Colby Consulting 'Created : 6/25/99 11:43:56 AM Function ccApptCollision(IDNew As Long, dtmSTNew As Date, dtmETNew As Date, _ IDExist As Long, dtmSTExist As Date, dtmETExist As Date) As Boolean On Error GoTo Err_ccApptCollision #If boolELE Then Call gProcStack.EnterProc("ccApptCollision", "Module1") #End If 'CHECK IF WE ARE COMPARING A RECORD TO ITSELF If IDNew = IDExist Then ccApptCollision = False Exit Function End If 'CHECK FOR COLLISIONS If (dtmSTNew < dtmETExist) And (dtmETNew > dtmSTExist) Then ccApptCollision = True Else ccApptCollision = False End If Exit_ccApptCollision: #If boolELE Then Call gProcStack.ExitProc("ccApptCollision") #End If Exit Function Err_ccApptCollision: #If boolELE Then WriteErrorLog Err #End If Select Case Err Case 0 'insert Errors you wish to ignore here Resume Next Case Else 'All other errors will trap Beep MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in function Module1.ccApptCollision" Resume Exit_ccApptCollision End Select Resume 0 'FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function ********** In my billing I keep the time and date separate. I then build a query where I drop the time table in twice, join on the date, then add the time and date fields into a single value and pass them into the parameters of the function above as well as the time record IDs from the two records. Out pops a true / false value that tells me if I have a collision. You can actually do the same without any join but the result set can get huge in a hurry so you will need to limit the date ranges. Again, thanks to Lembit for the logic. John W. Colby