Bryan Carbonnell
Bryan_Carbonnell at
Thu Apr 8 14:22:52 CDT 2004
The e-mail that you are referring to is, unfortunately one of the new breed of virii that spoofs the From line and sends itself to every e-mail address that it can get from you e-mail client (usually Outlook and Outlook Express). In this case, and the one yesterday, it is from someone that has AccessD's e-mail address and some listers addresses in their clients. So the virus grabs a lister's address and uses that as the from and to the AccessD list. Since it is appears that the e-mail is from a lister, the list ssoftware lets it through to the list :( Luckily the list software strips anything that is not plain old text, so the viral payload didn't get to the list. I can tell you that it appears to actually be from someone that uses, or used, Bell South DSL for their internet connection. Other than that, there is not much we can do :( Bryan Carbonnell bryan_carbonnell at >>> cfoust at 08-Apr-04 11:31:12 AM >>> What is going on with the "Re: Your Document" messages I'm seeing in the list, complete with test attachment and a body of "Hi! Please read the attached document." It's surprising my spam filters aren't screening this, since it certainly looks like junk mail to me. Charlotte Foust