[AccessD] Get data from Word Doc - A2K

Bryan Carbonnell Bryan_Carbonnell at cbc.ca
Tue Apr 13 07:25:17 CDT 2004

If the info you need is in a consistant format, you can loop through the
paragraphs in the word doc and then parse it that way, something like:

Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim doc As Document
Dim para As Paragraph
Dim strPara As String

Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")

Set doc = objWord.Documents.Open("c:\full\path\to\Filename.doc")

For Each para In doc.Paragraphs
  'Get the text of the paragraph
  strPara = para.Range.Text
  'Parse strPara here looking for what you need

Set para = Nothing
Set doc = Nothing
Set objWord = Nothing

Bryan Carbonnell
bryan_carbonnell at cbc.ca

>>> reuben at gfconsultants.com 12-Apr-04 5:40:22 PM >>>
I have a 393 page Word document that has data about bridges.  Every 3
is one bridge meaning every third page is formatted exactly alike (Page
and Page 4 are alike, Page 2 and Page 5, Page 3 and 6).   There are
about 10
pieces of data I would like to extract about every bridge, a little bit
each of the three pages.

Is it possible to scan thru this document somehow and 'extract' these
items from it to Access?

I have tried to copy the document to Excel, but a lot of the text from
will end up in one cell rather than split into a cell of its own.


Reuben Cummings
phone: 812.523.1017
email: reuben at gfconsultants.com 

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