[AccessD] Access utils and add-ins

Bryan Carbonnell carbonnb at sympatico.ca
Tue Apr 20 19:43:05 CDT 2004

On 20 Apr 2004 at 21:34, Harry Coenen wrote:

> You can add :
> Carlos J. Quintero's MZTools
> http://www.mztools.com/
> Bryan Carbonnell's ListAllVBAVariables
> http://www3.sympatico.ca/carbonnb/bryan/index.html

> Rick Fisher's Find and Replace
> http://www.rickworld.com/

> And for the ones who want to climb Wittgenstein's ladder:
> Shamil Salakhetdinov's topics and DEEP concept
> http://smsconsulting.spb.ru/
> (some topics are also avialble thourgh http://www.4tops.com/)
> or John W. Colby's musings on developing Frameworks
> http://www.colbyconsulting.com/

You put *ME* in the same league as MZTools, Rick Fisher's F&R, Shamil 
and JC???

You've got to be kidding!!


Bryan Carbonnell - carbonnb at sympatico.ca
We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million 
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