Kevin Waddle
thewaddles at
Mon Aug 9 00:48:19 CDT 2004
Virginia, This works well for me... I'll try to break down my spaghetti code. I have an Events Log mdb where users enter significant events. The table contains, among other things, the fields: EventDate (When did it happen) Reporter (Who logged it) Notes (What happened) The search form contains fields (Text or ComboBox) for: BeginningDate (A TextBox populated with the Calendar Control) EndingDate (A TextBox populated with the Calendar Control) Reporter (A ComboBox pulling data from a Table with Authorized Reporters) Notes (A TextBox populated with the search string for the Notes Field) The code below creates a string to use as the "WhereCondition" in the DoCmd.OperReport command. The string ends up being... Where... EventDate >= Forms!Main!beginningdate.value and EventDate <= Forms!Main!endingdate.value and reporter = 'Waddle SMS' and notes Like '*' & Forms!Main!txt_notes.value & '*' and category1 Like '*' & Forms!Main!txt_category.value & '*' '*** Code Start *** Private Sub SearchReport_Click() On Error GoTo Err_SearchReport_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String Dim DateError As Variant Dim strREPORTER As String Dim strFollowup As String If txt_Reporter.Value <> "" Then strREPORTER = " and reporter = '" & txt_Reporter.Value & "'" Else strREPORTER = "" End If If chkFollowup = -1 Then strFollowup = " and followup = -1" Else strFollowup = "" End If stDocName = "LogBook" stLinkCriteria = "EventDate >= Forms!Main!beginningdate.value and " _ & "EventDate <= Forms!Main!endingdate.value" & strREPORTER If EndingDate.Value < BeginningDate.Value Then DateError = msgbox("You have entered an ENDING DATE that is " & Chr(13) _ & "earlier than the BEGINNING DATE" _ & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _ & "Enter a New Date", _ vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Date Error") BeginningDate.Value = Date EndingDate.Value = Date BeginningDate.SetFocus Else stDocName = "LogBook" stLinkCriteria = "EventDate >= Forms!Main!beginningdate.value and " _ & "EventDate <= Forms!Main!endingdate.value" _ & strREPORTER & strFollowup If txtNotes.Value <> "" Then stLinkCriteria = stLinkCriteria & " and notes Like '*' & Forms!Main!txtNotes.value & '*'" End If If txtCategory.Value <> "" Then stLinkCriteria = stLinkCriteria & " and category1 Like '*' & Forms!Main!txtCategory.value & '*'" End If DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, , stLinkCriteria DoCmd.Maximize End If Exit_SearchReport_Click: Exit Sub Err_SearchReport_Click: Debug.Print Err.Number & " " & Err.Description Resume Exit_SearchReport_Click End Sub -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Hollis,Virginia Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 4:48 AM To: 'accessD at' Subject: [AccessD] Create a Search Does anyone have an example of creating a report by selecting search criteria from fields? I had a request today to add a custom report builder to one of my databases. Some of the fields will be text where they can enter what they need and other criteria will be from a combobox, they also want a date range field. Then! they want to be able to save the criteria for later use. For example - Document number - text box, Document type will be a combobox. I want to know all the documents created during a certain month, quarter, year, etc.). I have tried something like this several times, but when it comes to having more than one search criteria, I can never seem to make it work - then adding a date on top of that - well, I am lost. Thanks, Virginia -- _______________________________________________ AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: --- Incoming mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.721 / Virus Database: 477 - Release Date: 7/16/2004