Using classes - was RE: [AccessD] Instant If Then Else

Colby, John JColby at
Thu Aug 12 14:23:50 CDT 2004

ROTFL.  I'm here.  And yes, write a class, which you will then put in your
framework.  Use SysVars to turn it on and off.  If you have any questions
what I am referring to go to:

Click C2DbFW3G.  Start reading the lectures on classes and frameworks.

Speaking of classes, one of the places where classes make a lot of sense is
in building data structures that know how to do things.

I am building a system to export (insurance) data to a mainframe.  The
mainframe apparently already has a system for importing data and I have to
match that.  The data is in a fixed width format, records of about 3000
characters, horribly denormalized.

The client company gave me a field map.  something like:

LuminexFldName	FldStart	FldEnd	Length
LX-EFFDATE	449	456	8
LX-LASTNAME	457	471	15
LX-FRSTNAME	472	486	15
LX-MI	487	487	1
LX-ADDR1	488	517	30
LX-CITY	518	537	20
LX-STATE	538	539	2
LX-ZIP	540	548	9
LX-GENDER	549	549	1
LX-DOB	550	557	8
LX-SSN	558	566	9
LX-SALARY	1551	1561	11
LX-ADDR2	1612	1636	25
LX-COUNTRY	1657	1664	8
LX-FILLER2	2397	2799	403
LX-END-CHAR	2800	2800	1

The field map included a TON more fields, but these mapped to fields in our
database where they wanted to get data from us.

So I Imported the entire field map into a table inside of Access.  I then
added additional fields to hold our matching field name as well as the
"format" that they wanted the data field output, if it is a date it has to
be "yyyymmdd", if currency it has to be "XXXXX.YYYY".  I wrote a query to
pull all of the records for fields where they want data.  This allows us to
add / subtract fields exported just by filling in our field name.  If our
field name exists in the table then they want that data.  Since they tell me
where in this 3000 character string each piece of data should be placed I
have the tools to build an export system.

I wanted to have it "table driven", i.e. if the client said they wanted new
data in "their field Y" then I just add that data to my query and place my
query field alias name in their field map table and it would export the next
time the report ran.

I built a class that holds one record from tblFldMap.  I built a
"supervisor" class that opens the select query that pulls all the "active"
records from the field map, and loads an instance of clsFldMap passing in
their field name, our field name, the start and start positions and the
field length and the format.  I save each instance of clsFldMap in a
collection, keyed on our field name.

clsFldMap then knows where in the string the data goes, how long it's data
has to be, and the format that it has to get the data into before placing it
into the string.  I built a DataInsert class method that formats the data,
pads it to the correct length, and inserts it into a string passed in.

The supervisor then opens the recordset that pulls our data out, builds a
big 3000 character string of spaces, looks up the clsFldMap in the
collection using the field name it is processing, and calls the DataInsert
method passing the data to insert and the string to place the field in.  The
supervisor iterates through all the fields in the query, for each record in
the query, passing the data and the string, over and over, for each field in
our data.  By the end of processing a single record the supervisor now has a
3000 byte string with data embedded in it in various places.  The supervisor
now writes that string to a text file on the disk.  Next record to export.
Continue until EOF recordset.

The point here is that by using classes and breaking the labor down into
logical units, the system just works and expanding the system is just a
matter of adding (or deleting) a field to a query that pulls the data to
export, and adding my query's field name into the client's field map.  The
clsFldMap knows how to format the data it is given, how to pad it to get it
to the right length, and how to drop it into the big string.  The
clsSupervisor knows how to load the set of clsFldMap into a collection, open
the data query, process each field of the data query, passing the data and
the output string to the clsFldMap, and when all fields are processed, write
that string to a disk file.

BTW, 635 records each with 28 fields, each record inserted into a 3000
character string with about 296 possible fields, written to a disk file of
approximately 1.3 mbytes takes about 3 seconds on my 2.4g desktop system.


Classes are an extraordinary tool for breaking what appear to be complex
processes down into manageable pieces, placing the processing close to the
data and building the system back up as modules that each do their own part.


-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Fuller [mailto:artful at]
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:57 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Instant If Then Else

Any second JC will respond with a message suggesting that you use a
class for this! Write it once, use it everywhere. JC, where are you?


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