[AccessD] AXP and Error 3310

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Mon Aug 9 18:14:35 CDT 2004

On 9 Aug 2004 at 9:39, Charlotte Foust wrote:

> I may have misled you.  The same file is being unzipped to another
> folder, the multiple text files imported from that folder into temporary
> tables, and the temp folder cleared.  Then the data is moved from the
> temporary tables to the main tables.  Then a timer starts and the next
> check for files to import doesn't happen until the timer interval has
> elapsed.

If you are filling and clearing temporary tables hundreds of times, are you 
sure it's not a case of the database bloating  - either until it hits the 
2GB barrier or the workstation runs out of space on the working drive? 

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