[AccessD] Link to Password Protected DB

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Wed Aug 11 10:52:15 CDT 2004

Hi Mark

> In A2K I need to relink tables to a password protected db.  I don't want the
> user to have to enter a password?  Any suggestions?

At least once, connect to your backend using the correct password.
This stores the password in the connect string of the tables.

When you wish to relink:

1. Retrieve the connect string from one of the tables.
2. Rebuild the connect string replacing the old path with the new
path along the lines of the comments of this function:


Public Function DaoTableJetConnect( _
  ByVal strConnect As String, _
  ByVal strDatabase As String) _
  As String
' Builds DAO connect string for attaching a Jet table.
' strConnect is empty for a non-secured database.
' For a password protected database it may look like:
'   "MS Access;PWD=password;"
' strDatabase must be a valid full path filename like:
'   "F:\Folder\JetFile.mdb"
' Result string will be, respectively:
'   ";DATABASE=F:\Folder\JetFile.mdb"
'   "MS Access;PWD=password;;DATABASE=F:\Folder\JetFile.mdb"
' 2004-05-04. Cactus Data ApS, CPH.

  Dim strTdfConnect     As String
  ' No special error handling.
  On Error Resume Next
  strTdfConnect = SetConnectKey(strConnect, cstrConnectionKeyDb, strDatabase)
  DaoTableJetConnect = strTdfConnect

End Function


The SetConnectKey is a quite convoluted function which will be overkill
here but essentially it performs string manipulation to build the new
result string as shown. (Look for "DATABASE=" and replace until next
semicolon or end of string).

3. Relink the tables using the revised connect string.

This way your password resides in the connect string of the linked
tables and nowhere else.


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