[AccessD] Manually populate a listbox

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Mon Aug 16 06:22:37 CDT 2004

Hi Arthur

> I'm having a senior moment. Given a form containing three controls:

> txtDateFrom - starting date
> txtDateTo - ending date
> lstDates - to contain one row for all dates between from and to
> inclusive

> I want to manufacture all dates between the start and end date and
> populate the listbox with same. I forget how to do it. I'm used to
> grabbing data using SQL etc. and I suppose I could just build a table
> containing loads of dates and query that, but I'm wondering how to
> manufacture the listbox rows instead.

> Will someone kindly nudge me in the right direction?

That's typically what i listbox callback function is for; no tables,
no nothing, just a simple function:


Private Function ListDaysInInterval( _
  ctl As Control, _
  lngID As Long, _
  lngRow As Long, _
  lngCol As Long, _
  intCode As Integer) As Variant

  Static datDateFirst As Date
  Static strFormat    As String
  Static lngDates     As Long
  Dim varDateFirst As Variant
  Dim varDateLast  As Variant
  Dim varReturn       As Variant
  Select Case intCode
    Case acLBInitialize
      strFormat = Me!txtDateFrom.Format
      varDateFirst = Me!txtDateFrom.Value
      varDateLast = Me!txtDateTo.Value
      ' Only initialize if two dates are present.
      varReturn = IsDate(varDateFirst) And IsDate(varDateLast)
      If varReturn = True Then
        datDateFirst = CDate(varDateFirst)
        lngDates = DateDiff("d", datDateFirst, CDate(varDateLast)) + 1
        lngDates = 0
      End If
    Case acLBOpen
      varReturn = Timer     ' Autogenerated unique ID.
    Case acLBGetRowCount    ' Get rows.
      varReturn = lngDates  ' Set number of rows.
    Case acLBGetColumnCount ' Get columns.
      varReturn = 1         ' Set number of columns.
    Case acLBGetColumnWidth ' Get column width.
      varReturn = -1        ' Use default width.
    Case acLBGetValue       ' Get the data.
      ' Calculate dates.
      varReturn = DateAdd("d", lngRow, datDateFirst)
    Case acLBGetFormat      ' Format the data.
      varReturn = strFormat ' Use format of first control.
    Case acLBEnd
      ' Do something when form with listbox closes or
      ' listbox is requeried.
  End Select
  ListDaysInInterval = varReturn

End Function



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