[AccessD] OT - VB.Net

Francisco Tapia fhtapia at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 13:37:25 CDT 2004

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 11:26:59 -0700, Charlotte Foust
<cfoust at infostatsystems.com> wrote:
> Well, I can see why JC has been so pleased with the capabilities of
> VB.Net.  We're planning to release our next major versions in that
> rather than in Access so I'm going through the training.  I must say,
> it's easier if you're already very familiar with classes! <VBG>

are you going dotNET 2003? and will you be looking at Reporting
Services for your reporting needs? just wondering... btw, I like the
development gui tools too.


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