[AccessD] Gmail Invite (d)

Francisco Tapia fhtapia at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 13:44:43 CDT 2004

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 10:32:42 -0700, Rocky Smolin - Beach Access
Software <bchacc at san.rr.com> wrote:
> What's a Gmail invite? (Before I waste a good joke...)

The winner is Joe Rojas, Thanks Joe for a good blonde joke ;o), and
being the first to reply off list :D.

For those who haven't heard of Gmail (which I'm acctually surprised) 

Gmail is google's answer to email, you get 1gb of email space, and
their web interface is THE best hands down, no need for yahoo, no need
for hotmail, GMail allows you to use "effective" spam blocking, and
following a thread in GMail surpasses even Thunderbird's layout :)  it
effectively hides quoted text, and allows you to view it if you really
want to... it's awesome.  Joe, enjoy your new account :)

I've been using Gmail for about 3 weeks, and was given a few Gmail
Invites to give away, I naturally chose this and the dba-SqlServer
list for giving away some invites :D


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