[AccessD] Access can't save the database properties

MarkH lists at theopg.com
Wed Dec 1 06:25:35 CST 2004

Hello Guru Types :@)

Not sure whats going on here at all... 

I have a tablet PC running Windows XP Tablet Edition and Access XP. My
copy of Office etc. comes from a MS Empower subscription. Not sure if
any of this is relevant but what I have found is that several of my
working databases etc. have their author properties set to "norriew" and
the company to "Microsoft Corp". If I try and change the properties I
get a message saying Access can't save them :@(

I have tried opening exclusively, without executing any code, creating a
new mdb (properties reflect my own but I still can't edit them) and I
have checked the security and workgroup etc. These databases were all
created by me ???

Any ideas much appreciated...


PS - I also tried opening them from another machine across my network
and got the same problem... And I searched Google and the archives :@)

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