[AccessD] Splitting information from One field into Two and dumping the middle

Technical Designs tdd-inc at shaw.ca
Sat Dec 11 19:17:29 CST 2004

Hi Group


I have been reading and learning lots from this list. and even coming up
with some of the same answers! .. once in a while.

This is my first question to the group.


I have one field [FullName] with .           Name:number

Name:subname:number              where there can be more than one recurrence
of subnames


What I would like to do is split "name" into [splitname] and "number" into
[splitnumber] fields of tblTable and loose the middle subnames (if there are


I have

            Me.SplitName = Trim(Left(Trim(Me.FullName),
InStr(Trim(Me.FullName), ":") - 1))    '. this works fine


Me.SplitNumber = Trim(Right(Trim(Me.FullName), Len(Trim(Me.FullName)) -
(InStr(Trim(Me.FullName), ":") - 0)))


.. SplitNumber works fine if there is only one ":" in the string.. but there
might be 2 or more ":" sometimes


the Name:subname:number format is from an exported file being imported into
MSAccess.  The only consistent thing is the ":" 


Thanks in advance


Philip S.


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