[AccessD] error while connecting

pedro at plex.nl pedro at plex.nl
Wed Dec 29 12:20:36 CST 2004

Hello Group,

i converted a A97 database to A2003. The conversion went ok, no compiling errors. This database is secured by an mdw. When trying to do a mailmerge from a form i am getting an error: 5922, source could not be opened. In the code itself, nothing was changed (except the name of the database, i checked the name several times). The odbc, in the user-DSN, the database, the mdw, the registrationname and password are correct. 
Also when doing the mailmerge from the form, i get a datalink box, where i fill in the odbc data. This is giving a message that the connection is ok. The error in the code is highlighting the following part:

OpenDataSource _
          Name:="P:\Cytologie\positieven\" _
          & "BeveiligdPOSITIEVEN(XP).mdb", _
          ReadOnly:=True, LinkToSource:=True, _
          Connection:=strConnect, _
          SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM [Uitvoer], [tblHarts] WHERE Uitvoer.AanvragerID = tblHarts.AanvragerID AND Uitvoer.ControleID = " & Forms![Brief]![veld] & ";"

Anybody any idea's

Pedro Janssen

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