Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Wed Dec 8 21:50:45 CST 2004
On 9 Dec 2004 at 4:09, MastercafeCTV wrote: > We check this many time and this is not the problem. > > Actually we use Spanish format to introduce all date dd/mm/yyyy and when we > need a SQL filter try to put Format(field;'yyyymmdd') to void the problem. > > Look this: > Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 > Cname1 01/03/2001 Some data > Cname2 01/04/2001 Some data > Cname3 01/05/2001 Some data > Cname4 01/06/2001 Some data > Cname5 01/07/2001 Some data > Cname6 01/08/2001 Some data > Cname7 01/09/2001 Some data > Cname8 01/10/2001 Some data > Cname9 01/11/2001 Some data > OK - the above are displayed in your short date format of dd/mm/yy > If we try to Select * from DDBB where field2>=#01/06/2001# Normally you must > be obtain Cname4 to 9, but we obtain all (01 is month) SQL "Select ...... #...#" assumes a US date format mm/dd/yyyy if valid so it selects everything greater than 6 Jan 2001. > If we try to Select * from DDBB where field2>=#13/06/2001# Normally you must > be obtain Cname5 to 9 in this case run perfect (13 is day) SInce 13 is not a valid month, the SQL falls back to the second *possible* (see below re 2 digit years) interpretation and uses 13 Jun 2001 instead. > Then we change our SQl to Select * from DDBB where > format(field2,'yyyymmdd')>='20010601' you must be obtain Cname4 to 9 and in > this case run perfect again. That's logical. > Why sometimes change Day with Month?.. Not in Control Panel, not in Access > Options... Where?? And why? A feel stupid with this yet. > It only changes from the standard US mm/dd/yyyy (or mm/dd/yy) where that interpretation does not return a valid date. Note that if you use a two digit year, it tries yy/mm/dd as the second interpretation before getting round to trying dd/mm/yy so 13/06/01 is likely to end up interpreted 1 Jun 2013 :-( One solution is to use an unambigous format for comparison such as Select * from DDBB where field2 > "1 Jun 2001" If pulling the comparison from a text box etc, I always use: Select * from DDBB where field2 > Datevalue('" & txtTextBox & "'") That way, it doesn't matter how the the text box and regional settings are configured, it always does the comparison using the underlying value of the control/field. -- Stuart