[AccessD] lowercase

Mark A Matte markamatte at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 4 09:53:00 CST 2004


Just off the top of my head...I would use vba to do it...combining the 
following functions: I would Start with LISTALLTABLES and loop FIELDNAMES 
after each table and run the sql(using LCase for each field found) inside 
the FIELDNAMES loop.  I just copied these functions from MSKnowledgeBase and 
A97 Help.  Good luck.


      Function ListAllTables (fld As Control, id As Long, row As _
      Long, col As Long, code As Integer)
         Dim db As Database
         Dim tbdf As TableDef
         Static tbls(256) As String
         Static Entries As Integer
         Dim i As Integer
         Dim ReturnVal
         ReturnVal = Null
         Select Case code
            Case LB_INITIALIZE         ' Initialize database.
               Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).databases(0)
               Entries = 0
               For i = 0 To db.tabledefs.count - 1
                  tbls(Entries) = db.tabledefs(i).name
                  Entries = Entries + 1
               Next i
               ReturnVal = Entries
            Case LB_OPEN               ' Open.
               ReturnVal = Timer       ' Unique ID number for control.
            Case LB_GETROWCOUNT        ' Number of rows.
               ReturnVal = Entries
            Case LB_GETCOLUMNCOUNT     ' Number of columns.
               ReturnVal = 1
            Case LB_GETCOLUMNWIDTH     ' Column width.
               ReturnVal = -1          ' Use the default width.
            Case LB_GETVALUE           ' Get the data.
               ReturnVal = tbls(row)
            Case LB_END                ' End.
               For Entries = 0 To 256
                  tbls(Entries) = ""
         End Select
         ListAllTables = ReturnVal
      End Function
Sub FieldNames()
	Dim dbs As Database, tdf As TableDef
	Dim fld As Field

	' Return reference to current database.
	Set dbs = CurrentDb
	' Return reference to Employees table.
	Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs!Employees

	' Enumerate all fields in Fields collection of TableDef object.

For Each fld in tdf.Fields
		Debug.Print fld.Name
	Next fld
	Set dbs = Nothing
End Sub

>From: pedro at plex.nl
>Reply-To: Access Developers discussion and problem 
>solving<accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
>To: AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
>Subject: [AccessD] lowercase
>Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 16:18:21 (MET)
>Hello group,
>what is the quickest way to set al caracters in all fields in all Tables in 
>a database to lowercase.
>I can make a query an do all the fields with an LCase expression, but that 
>costs a lot of time.
>Any idea's
>Pedro Janssen
>AccessD mailing list
>AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
>Website: http://www.databaseadvisors.com

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