[AccessD] Update table with update query

Randall Anthony ranthony at wrsystems.com
Fri Feb 6 11:56:58 CST 2004

Hey group,
I have a problem that seems a no-brainer.  I use a select groupby query to
get a recordset.  I then use a second query with the first query and the
target table in order to update the target table.  I thought this should
work no problem, however I get an "Operation must use an updatable query"
error.  Is this one of those you can't get there from here things?  Using

Here's the sqls.
Get the dates.
SELECT tblInstall_7B_Navcert_Mams.Hull, Max(dbo_tblNavcert.NavcertDate) AS
FROM tblInstall_7B_Navcert_Mams INNER JOIN (dbo_tblLocation INNER JOIN
dbo_tblNavcert ON dbo_tblLocation.LocID = dbo_tblNavcert.LocID) ON
tblInstall_7B_Navcert_Mams.Hull = dbo_tblLocation.Hull
WHERE (((dbo_tblNavcert.EquipTypeName)="rlg"))
GROUP BY tblInstall_7B_Navcert_Mams.Hull;

Try to put the dates in the table
SELECT tblInstall_7B_Navcert_Mams.Hull, Max(dbo_tblNavcert.NavcertDate) AS
FROM tblInstall_7B_Navcert_Mams INNER JOIN (dbo_tblLocation INNER JOIN
dbo_tblNavcert ON dbo_tblLocation.LocID = dbo_tblNavcert.LocID) ON
tblInstall_7B_Navcert_Mams.Hull = dbo_tblLocation.Hull
WHERE (((dbo_tblNavcert.EquipTypeName)="rlg"))
GROUP BY tblInstall_7B_Navcert_Mams.Hull;

Randy @ ext. 473

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