Robert L. Stewart
rl_stewart at
Mon Feb 16 22:31:01 CST 2004
Final SQL Stored Procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Build_In @Select varchar(500), @From varchar(150), @Where varchar(500), @In varchar(500), @OrderBy Varchar(250) AS BEGIN DECLARE @SQL varchar(1900) SET @sql = @Select + @From + @Where + @In + @Orderby EXEC(@sql) END To Use it: SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO exec usp_Build_In 'SELECT ClientID,ResidenceType,LastName ', 'FROM tbl_Client ', 'WHERE LastName IN(', "'Stewart','Jones')", 'ORDER BY LastName' Notice the Double-quotes on the @In parameter. Robert, I am still working on the idea of using the subquery. The code you sent to me only returns one row, the last one in the list. But I will have more time to work with it tomorrow. RLS