[AccessD] OT - file search results save

Bryan Carbonnell Bryan_Carbonnell at cbc.ca
Fri Feb 13 11:59:29 CST 2004

You can do it from a command prompt:

dir "\\server\path\*.mdb" /s > "c:\path\to\your\outputfile.txt"

Or use Karen Kenworthy's Directory Printer, available from:

Bryan Carbonnell
bryan_carbonnell at cbc.ca

>>> Patricia.O'Connor at dfa.state.ny.us 13-Feb-04 12:32:38 PM >>>
I did a search of one of our server drives for all *.MDB using the
2000 search.  Give name of file, directory, size, modify date.  Great
what I want, except I can not figure out how to get the results into a
- word, text, excel 

If I do save results, it puts it into a file but all that seems to do
save the search string.  

Does anyone know how I can save the listing or have a utility that
allow me to save this in a file. It is probably something simple but I
just getting no where.

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