[AccessD] Product Launched - Thanks to AccessD

Kathryn Bassett kathryn at bassett.net
Fri Feb 13 13:18:30 CST 2004

HUGE difference in load time!!! Almost instantaneous. Congrats to the developers.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
> [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of Rocky Smolin -
> Beach Access Software
> Sent: 13 Feb 2004 11:11:AM
> To: AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
> Subject: [AccessD] Product Launched - Thanks to AccessD
> Dear List:
> Beach Access Software is pleased to announce the launch of E-Z-MRP, an integrated 
> manufacturing system for small manufacturers.  Well, relaunch, actually, since it was 
> first brought out in 1985 under the DOS operating system.  This time it is written in 
> Microsoft's Access.
> Here's the web site:  http://www.e-z-mrp.com.  Please take a look. 
> I owe a great debt to all those who have been so generous with their time and 
> knowledge over the years.  Without them, this product  would not have been created 
> (as it is, there are still a few unbound forms in it :).
> As usual, thanks in advance any feedback on the site or the product will be greatly 
> appreciated.  
> And thanks in advance for any referrals.  We are going to try to make a living this year. :)
> With best regards,
> Rocky Smolin
> Beach Access Software
> News Release
> For Immediate Release
> Contact: Rocky Smolin
> Beach Access Software
> 13614 Boquita Drive
> Del Mar, CA 92014 USA
> 1-858-259-4334
> http:\\www.e-z-mrp.com
> Del Mar, California; March 1, 2004  - -  Beach Access Software, formerly C. R. 
> Smolin, Inc., announces the release of Version 20 of E-Z-MRPT,  an integrated 
> manufacturing system for small- and medium-sized manufacturers.  
> E-Z-MRPT was first released under the DOS operating system in 1985, and achieved 
> great success and widespread use with hundreds of customers around the world.  
> The system has been successfully implemented in a wide variety of small manufacturing 
> companies such as medical instrumentation, appliances, automotive, pharmaceutical, 
> furniture, spraying systems, orthodontics, firearms, as well as finding use as an 
> instructional aid in universities.  It works just as well in job shop or 
> build-to-order environments as in build-to-stock or build-to-forecast operations.  
> In previous versions, it was translated into five languages and distributed in 
> countries throughout the world.
> The system has now been completely rewritten using Microsoft's Access Database 
> Management System - a component of the popular Microsoft Office Suite - making it 
> compatible with a wide variety of third-party products.
> "E-Z-MRPT made running an MRP system possible for hundreds of small manufacturers who 
> had neither the time, the money, nor the expertise to implement a conventional 
> manufacturing system," says Rocky Smolin, President of Beach Access Software.  
> "E-Z-MRPT in this new release is still arguably the simplest approach to MRP and the 
> easiest to implement of any MRP system in software history. " 
> "It was designed to be used by people who do not have degrees or certification in 
> manufacturing systems.  It requires no on-site training or consultation.  And it has 
> cut the standard 18-month MRP implementation cycle to as little as 18 days."
> The package includes a full-featured Bill of Materials processor, a material planning 
> and tracking module that tracks all sales orders, forecasts, work orders (planned, 
> firm, and released), purchase orders, shortages, and raw materials and finished goods 
> inventories, with a complete audit trail on all inventory transactions.  
> Also included in E-Z-MRPT is a physical inventory function and a purchase order 
> module for printing purchase orders.  
> And, like previous versions, E-Z-MRPT supports multiple databases, making it easy to 
> do simulations or answer "what-if" questions without disrupting the production database.
> The total cost of E-Z-MRPT is  $2995, a fraction of the cost of systems with similar 
> power and capabilities.   It will run on any Windows-based PC or network, and 
> requires only Access 2000 or Access XP to run.  
> No on-site or remote training is required.  A comprehensive user manual with 
> tutorials provides all the required instruction.
> For more information, and user testimonials, visit the company's web site: 
http://www.e-z-mrp.com, or call 858-259-4334.

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