[AccessD] adhbCalendar returns INCORRECT value?! Extra info

S D accessd667 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 16 03:37:07 CST 2004

I'm creating a sql string to fill a table.
The (source) table I'm using has a date field with no formatting. I'm linking this table and I'm NOT allowed to change it.
The date from the adhbCalendar is used to determine wich date I must use for the WHERE statement.
The destination table has also a datefield without formatting.
I use this code to show the date on screen:
txtEindDatum = adhDoCalendar(txtEindDatum)

This date is put inside an array (date) like this:
Dim arrDates() As Date
   'Step 1: Fill Date Array
   Call CalculateDays(txtStartDatum, txtEindDatum, arrDates())

Function CalculateDays(dtmStartDatum As Date, dtmEindDatum As Date, ByRef arrDates() As Date) As Integer
   Dim intCounter As Integer
   On Error GoTo CalculateDays_Error
   intCounter = 0
   Do While (DateDiff("d", dtmStartDatum, dtmEindDatum) >= 0)
      ReDim Preserve arrDates(intCounter)
      arrDates(intCounter) = dtmStartDatum
      If DateDiff("d", dtmStartDatum, dtmEindDatum) > 0 Then
         intCounter = intCounter + 1
         dtmStartDatum = dtmStartDatum + 1
         Exit Do
      End If
   'intCountDate = UBound(arrDates)
   CalculateDays = UBound(arrDates)
   'CalculateDays = intCountDate
   ' Collect your garbage here
   Exit Function
   ' Collect your garbage here
   MsgBox "An error occured!" & vbCrLf & _
            "Error number     : " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
            "Error description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
            "Error source     : " & Err.Source
   GoTo CalculateDays_Exit
End Function

Then I build the select statement:
For intCountDate = 0 To UBound(arrDates)
      'dtmCurrDate = Format(arrDates(intCountDate), "mm/dd/yyyy")
      dtmCurrDate = arrDates(intCountDate)
    If IsWeekend(dtmCurrDate) Then
                     'check if
                     'Call MsgBox("This day (" & dtmCurrDate & ") is either a saturday or a sunday", vbInformation, "Weekend")
                     strWhere = "WHERE a.date = #" & dtmCurrDate & "# "

Function IsWeekend(dtmDate As Date) As Boolean
   On Error GoTo IsWeekend_Error
   'Check to See if Weekend
   If (Weekday(dtmDate) = vbSaturday) Or (Weekday(dtmDate) = vbSunday) Then
      IsWeekend = True
      IsWeekend = False
   End If
   ' Collect your garbage here
   Exit Function
   ' Collect your garbage here
   MsgBox "An error occured!" & vbCrLf & _
          "Error number     : " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
          "Error description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
          "Error source     : " & Err.Source
   GoTo IsWeekend_Exit
End Function

I don't see anything funny, anybody else?

Gustav Brock <gustav at cactus.dk> wrote:
Hi Sander

It sounds like you have become a victim of non-internationalized code.
But it is hard to tell with no code and no info on how you are using


> I'm going nuts! I'm using the calendar form from the ADHB 2000 and it returns the WRONG value!?

> When I select januari 4th 2004 (wich is a sunday) it returns April 1st 2004!! How is this possible?

> The function below has the following values (after selecting januari 4th 2004):
> Year = 2004
> Month = 1
> Day = 4

> Public Property Get Value() As Date
> Value = DateSerial( _
> Me.Year, Me.Month, Me.Day)
> End Property

> i'm using 
> A2k english
> Win2000 (reg settings => english; date = dd/mm/yyyy)

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