[AccessD] Array dimensions, Row - Col or Col Row

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Sun Feb 22 02:31:33 CST 2004

Hi Jürgen

> I thought I'd hang around a bit.  Did some schooling for a year and dabbled
> a bit in some ASP, Java and more recently, the .Net technologies and now my 
> former employers have decided to upgrade everything I did for them to Office 
> 2003.  Subscribing to this list seemed like a good idea as I expect I may 
> need some pointers here or there.  The conversion project looks like it will 
> probably begin next weekend.

OK. Things have gone into polite mode here; JC at present is in
nice-guy-no-rant mode, William doesn't react anymore on trigger words
like "Novell", Drew has stopped burning down his homes, Arthur has
disappeared in the forest of SQL Server, and Susan is too busy to post
those "impossible" questions which did catalyze threads with 100+

So, welcome back! We need some solid input and experience from Access
2003 developers. Most of us - including myself - hang around with
older versions.


>>Are you back with us ... or is this a standalone rant?

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