[AccessD] Transform query question

Oleg_123 at xuppa.com Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Mon Feb 23 09:17:51 CST 2004

Good Morning Group

I have a transform query, and  I would like for it to show only the
columns that actually contain data, so if there is no data for September
and October, just show August column  followed by November.  Is it
possible ?

Thank yo

TRANSFORM Count([Ron Data enf].ID) AS CountOfID
SELECT [Ron Data enf].REFERDEPTorSRO AS Origin, Count([Ron Data enf].ID)
AS Total
FROM [Ron Data enf]
WHERE (((IIf([Ron Data enf]![Date Case Ref Received]>=[Forms]![Report
Form]![Start_Date] And [Ron Data enf]![Date Case Ref
Received]<=[Forms]![Report Form]![End_Date],"Cases Closed")) Is Not Null))
PIVOT Format([AMTS Date Opened],"mmm") In

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