[AccessD] Mac address

John W. Colby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Jan 3 16:55:45 CST 2004


I used the disk SN in my last copy protection system.  In the end, if it
exists at all, a NIC is virtually never changed so it works wonderfully for
this.  But yea, I know how to do the disk sn thing.

John W. Colby

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of Erwin Craps -
IT Helps
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 4:51 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Mac address

John, as an alternative you could use the serial number of the harddisk
When a disk is formatted it receives a serialnumber that can be used for
this purpose.
If the disk is reformatted than you would get a new serial.
This looks more appropriate to me then a mac address. I used a while ago
in a app that needed protection.
When is disk is re-formatted your software needs to be re-installed

When using togheter with some easy challenge/response code you can
re-activate the user by phone.

I don't have the code overhere but if you need it please met me know?


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] Namens John W. Colby
Verzonden: zaterdag 3 januari 2004 21:47
Aan: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Onderwerp: RE: [AccessD] Mac address

That may have done it, at least for my computer.  This appears to be one
of those things that may be windows version dependent.

Thanks anyway, it does seem to work for mine!

John W. Colby

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of Robert Gracie
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 2:09 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Mac address

Will this get you started..

Paste in a Module.......

Public Const MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN = 132
Public Const MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN = 132
Public Const MAX_SCOPE_ID_LEN = 260
Public Const MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH = 260 Public Const
= 111 Public Const MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET = 6 Public Const
Const MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP = 23 Public Const MIB_IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK = 24 Public

            Next As Long
            IpAddress As String * 16
            IpMask As String * 16
            Context As Long
End Type

            Next As Long
            ComboIndex As Long
            AdapterName As String * MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH
            Description As String * MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH
            AddressLength As Long
            Address(MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH - 1) As Byte
            Index As Long
            Type As Long
            DhcpEnabled As Long
            CurrentIpAddress As Long
            IpAddressList As IP_ADDR_STRING
            GatewayList As IP_ADDR_STRING
            DhcpServer As IP_ADDR_STRING
            HaveWins As Byte
            PrimaryWinsServer As IP_ADDR_STRING
            SecondaryWinsServer As IP_ADDR_STRING
            LeaseObtained As Long
            LeaseExpires As Long
End Type

            HostName As String * MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN
            DomainName As String * MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN
            CurrentDnsServer As Long
            DnsServerList As IP_ADDR_STRING
            NodeType As Long
            ScopeId  As String * MAX_SCOPE_ID_LEN
            EnableRouting As Long
            EnableProxy As Long
            EnableDns As Long
End Type

Public Declare Function GetNetworkParams Lib "IPHlpApi.dll" _
       (FixedInfo As Any, pOutBufLen As Long) As Long Public Declare
Function GetAdaptersInfo Lib "IPHlpApi.dll" _
       (IpAdapterInfo As Any, pOutBufLen As Long) As Long Public Declare
Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
       (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

Sub main()
    Dim error As Long
    Dim FixedInfoSize As Long
    Dim AdapterInfoSize As Long
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim PhysicalAddress  As String
    Dim NewTime As Date
    Dim AdapterInfo As IP_ADAPTER_INFO
    Dim AddrStr As IP_ADDR_STRING
    Dim FixedInfo As FIXED_INFO
    Dim Buffer As IP_ADDR_STRING
    Dim pAddrStr As Long
    Dim pAdapt As Long
    Dim Buffer2 As IP_ADAPTER_INFO
    Dim FixedInfoBuffer() As Byte
    Dim AdapterInfoBuffer() As Byte

    ' Get the main IP configuration information for this machine
    ' using a FIXED_INFO structure.
    FixedInfoSize = 0
    error = GetNetworkParams(ByVal 0&, FixedInfoSize)
    If error <> 0 Then
        If error <> ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW Then
           MsgBox "GetNetworkParams sizing failed with error " & error
           Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    ReDim FixedInfoBuffer(FixedInfoSize - 1)

    error = GetNetworkParams(FixedInfoBuffer(0), FixedInfoSize)
    If error = 0 Then
            CopyMemory FixedInfo, FixedInfoBuffer(0), FixedInfoSize
            MsgBox "Host Name:  " & FixedInfo.HostName
            MsgBox "DNS Servers:  " & FixedInfo.DnsServerList.IpAddress
            pAddrStr = FixedInfo.DnsServerList.Next
            Do While pAddrStr <> 0
                  CopyMemory Buffer, ByVal pAddrStr, LenB(Buffer)
                  MsgBox "DNS Servers:  " & Buffer.IpAddress
                  pAddrStr = Buffer.Next

            Select Case FixedInfo.NodeType
                       Case 1
                                  MsgBox "Node type: Broadcast"
                       Case 2
                                  MsgBox "Node type: Peer to peer"
                       Case 4
                                  MsgBox "Node type: Mixed"
                       Case 8
                                  MsgBox "Node type: Hybrid"
                       Case Else
                                  MsgBox "Unknown node type"
            End Select

            MsgBox "NetBIOS Scope ID:  " & FixedInfo.ScopeId
            If FixedInfo.EnableRouting Then
                       MsgBox "IP Routing Enabled "
                       MsgBox "IP Routing not enabled"
            End If
            If FixedInfo.EnableProxy Then
                       MsgBox "WINS Proxy Enabled "
                       MsgBox "WINS Proxy not Enabled "
            End If
            If FixedInfo.EnableDns Then
                      MsgBox "NetBIOS Resolution Uses DNS "
                      MsgBox "NetBIOS Resolution Does not use DNS  "
            End If
            MsgBox "GetNetworkParams failed with error " & error
            Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Enumerate all of the adapter specific information using the
    ' IP_ADAPTER_INFO structure.
    ' Note:  IP_ADAPTER_INFO contains a linked list of adapter entries.

    AdapterInfoSize = 0
    error = GetAdaptersInfo(ByVal 0&, AdapterInfoSize)
    If error <> 0 Then
        If error <> ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW Then
           MsgBox "GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed with error " & error
           Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    ReDim AdapterInfoBuffer(AdapterInfoSize - 1)

    ' Get actual adapter information
    error = GetAdaptersInfo(AdapterInfoBuffer(0), AdapterInfoSize)
    If error <> 0 Then
       MsgBox "GetAdaptersInfo failed with error " & error
       Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Allocate memory
     CopyMemory AdapterInfo, AdapterInfoBuffer(0), AdapterInfoSize
    pAdapt = AdapterInfo.Next

     CopyMemory Buffer2, AdapterInfo, AdapterInfoSize
       Select Case Buffer2.Type
              Case MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET
                   MsgBox "Adapter name: Ethernet adapter "
              Case MIB_IF_TYPE_TOKENRING
                   MsgBox "Adapter name: Token Ring adapter "
              Case MIB_IF_TYPE_FDDI
                   MsgBox "Adapter name: FDDI adapter "
              Case MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP
                   MsgBox "Adapter name: PPP adapter"
              Case MIB_IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK
                   MsgBox "Adapter name: Loopback adapter "
              Case MIB_IF_TYPE_SLIP
                   MsgBox "Adapter name: Slip adapter "
              Case Else
                   MsgBox "Adapter name: Other adapter "
       End Select
       MsgBox "AdapterDescription: " & Buffer2.Description

       PhysicalAddress = ""
       For i = 0 To Buffer2.AddressLength - 1
           PhysicalAddress = PhysicalAddress & Hex(Buffer2.Address(i))
           If i < Buffer2.AddressLength - 1 Then
              PhysicalAddress = PhysicalAddress & "-"
           End If
       MsgBox "Physical Address: " & PhysicalAddress

       If Buffer2.DhcpEnabled Then
          MsgBox "DHCP Enabled "
          MsgBox "DHCP disabled"
       End If

       MsgBox "IP Address: " & Buffer2.IpAddressList.IpAddress
       MsgBox "Subnet Mask: " & Buffer2.IpAddressList.IpMask
       pAddrStr = Buffer2.IpAddressList.Next
       Do While pAddrStr <> 0
          CopyMemory Buffer, Buffer2.IpAddressList, LenB(Buffer)
          MsgBox "IP Address: " & Buffer.IpAddress
          MsgBox "Subnet Mask: " & Buffer.IpMask
          pAddrStr = Buffer.Next
          If pAddrStr <> 0 Then
             CopyMemory Buffer2.IpAddressList, ByVal pAddrStr, _
          End If

       MsgBox "Default Gateway: " & Buffer2.GatewayList.IpAddress
       pAddrStr = Buffer2.GatewayList.Next
       Do While pAddrStr <> 0
          CopyMemory Buffer, Buffer2.GatewayList, LenB(Buffer)
          MsgBox "IP Address: " & Buffer.IpAddress
          pAddrStr = Buffer.Next
          If pAddrStr <> 0 Then
             CopyMemory Buffer2.GatewayList, ByVal pAddrStr, _
          End If

       MsgBox "DHCP Server: " & Buffer2.DhcpServer.IpAddress
       MsgBox "Primary WINS Server: " & _
       MsgBox "Secondary WINS Server: " & _

       ' Display time.
       NewTime = DateAdd("s", Buffer2.LeaseObtained, #1/1/1970#)
       MsgBox "Lease Obtained: " & _
              CStr(Format(NewTime, "dddd, mmm d hh:mm:ss yyyy"))

       NewTime = DateAdd("s", Buffer2.LeaseExpires, #1/1/1970#)
       MsgBox "Lease Expires :  " & _
              CStr(Format(NewTime, "dddd, mmm d hh:mm:ss yyyy"))
       pAdapt = Buffer2.Next
       If pAdapt <> 0 Then
           CopyMemory AdapterInfo, ByVal pAdapt, AdapterInfoSize
        End If
      Loop Until pAdapt = 0
End Sub

Robert Gracie

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of John W. Colby
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 1:35 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Mac address

Yea, but you have to start somewhere.  More and more NICs are embedded
right in the motherboards so this is getting less and less likely.

John W. Colby

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of Gustav Brock
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 12:53 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Mac address

Hi John

Hmm ... so the user changes his/hers NIC and is hosed ..?


> Date: 2004-01-03 18:14

> Well... I'm looking at a machine specific piece for copy protection.
> The work station name might be specific to a network, but is created
> by the software (or user doing the install) so if the machine went
> down (as many
> mine have over the last few years) if the user didn't select the same
> name then the key wouldn't work.

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