Robin Lawrence
rgilimited at
Tue Jan 6 10:24:23 CST 2004
Andy, I use this folder browser from Carl Tribble <Code> '.====================================================================== === '.Browse Folders Module '.Copyright 1999 Tribble Software. All rights reserved. '.Phone : (616) 455-2055 '.E-mail : carltribble at '.====================================================================== === ' DO NOT DELETE THE COMMENTS ABOVE. All other comments in this module ' may be deleted from production code, but lines above must remain. '----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '.Description : This module calls three functions in shell32.dll to allow '. the user to browse for a folder. '. '.Written By : Carl Tribble '.Date Created : 10/05/1999 08:06:31 PM '.Rev. History : ' Comments : The public entry point is the procedure tsGetPathFromUser, ' The selected folder name is returned in the form of a full ' path but without the trailing "\". If the User presses ' Cancel, or an error occurs, the procedure returns Null. ' This module is completely self-contained. Simply copy it ' into your database to use it. '.---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '. ' ADDITIONAL NOTES: ' ' If you want your user to browse for file names you must use the module ' basBrowseFiles instead, or the common dialog activeX control. ' ' TO STREAMLINE this module for production programs, you should remove: ' 1) Unnecessary comments ' 2) Flag and Root Folder Constants which you do not intend to use. ' 3) The test procedure tsGetPathFromUserTest ' *DO NOT REMOVE ANYTHING ELSE. Everything else is required. ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ' ' INSTRUCTIONS: ' ' ( For a working example, open the Debug window ) ' ( and enter tsGetPathFromUserTest. ) ' ( ) ' ( frmBrowseFoldersTest, if available, provides ) ' ( additional testing features. ) ' '.All the arguments for the function are optional. You may call it with no '.arguments whatsoever and simply assign its return value to a variable of '.the Variant type. For example: '. '. varFileName = tsGetPathFromUser() '. '.The function will return: '. the full path selected by the user, or '. Null if an error occurs or if the user presses Cancel. '. '.Optional arguments may include any of the following: '. rlngFlags : one or more of the tscBF* Flag constants (declared '. below). Combine multiple constants like this: '. tscBFReturnOnlyFSDirs Or tscBFDontGoBelowDomain '. lngRootFolder : a tscRF Root Folder constant (declared below) indicating '. what folder you want to start with. These constants are '. not to be combined, just pick the one you want to use. '. strHeaderMsg : a message you want to appear at the top of the dialog '. box. Note although it is refered to internally as the '. Title it is NOT the dialog title, aka caption (the ' caption is always "Browse for Folder"). The message ' can be up to about 110 characters in length and ' up to two lines. It appears below the Title bar, but ' above the actual folder box. ' '.---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '. Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" (ByVal pidl As Long, _ ByVal pszPath As String) As Long Private Declare Function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation Lib "shell32.dll" _ (ByVal hwndOwner As Long, ByVal nFolder As Long, _ pidl As ITEMIDLIST) As Long Private Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" Alias _ "SHBrowseForFolderA" (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) As Long Private Type BROWSEINFO hOwner As Long pidlRoot As Long pszDisplayName As String lpszTitle As String ulFlags As Long lpfn As Long lParam As Long iImage As Long End Type Private Type SHITEMID cb As Long abID As Byte End Type Private Type ITEMIDLIST mkid As SHITEMID End Type ' Flag Constants Public Const tscBFReturnOnlyFSDirs = &H1 Public Const tscBFDontGoBelowDomain = &H2 Public Const tscBFStatusText = &H4 Public Const tscBFReturnFSAncestors = &H8 Public Const tscBFBrowseForComputer = &H1000 Public Const tscBFBrowseForPrinter = &H2000 ' Root Folder Constants Public Const tscRFDesktop = &H0 Public Const tscRFPrograms = &H2 Public Const tscRFControls = &H3 Public Const tscRFPrinters = &H4 Public Const tscRFPersonal = &H5 Public Const tscRFFavorites = &H6 Public Const tscRFRecent = &H8 Public Const tscRFBitBucket = &HA Public Const tscRFDesktopDirectory = &H10 Public Const tscRFDrives = &H11 Public Const tscRFNetwork = &H12 Public Const tscRFNethood = &H13 Public Const tscRFTemplates = &H15 Public Function tsGetPathFromUser( _ Optional ByRef rlngflags As Long = tscBFReturnOnlyFSDirs, _ Optional ByVal lngRootFolder As Long = tscRFDrives, _ Optional ByVal strHeaderMsg As String = "") As Variant On Error GoTo tsGetPathFromUser_Err Const conBufLen = 512 Dim bi As BROWSEINFO Dim idl As ITEMIDLIST Dim lngReturn As Long Dim pidl As Long Dim strpath As String bi.hOwner = Application.hWndAccessApp lngReturn = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation( _ ByVal Application.hWndAccessApp, lngRootFolder, idl) bi.pidlRoot = idl.mkid.cb bi.lpszTitle = strHeaderMsg bi.ulFlags = rlngflags pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(bi) strpath = Space(conBufLen) lngReturn = SHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal pidl, ByVal strpath) If lngReturn <> 0 Then tsGetPathFromUser = tsTrimNull(strpath) Else tsGetPathFromUser = Null End If tsGetPathFromUser_End: On Error GoTo 0 Exit Function tsGetPathFromUser_Err: Beep MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error: " & Err.Number _ & " in function basBrowseFolders.tsGetPathFromUser" Resume tsGetPathFromUser_End End Function ' Trim Nulls from a string returned by an API call. Private Function tsTrimNull(ByVal strItem As String) As String On Error GoTo tsTrimNull_Err Dim i As Integer i = InStr(strItem, vbNullChar) If i > 0 Then tsTrimNull = Left(strItem, i - 1) Else tsTrimNull = strItem End If tsTrimNull_End: On Error GoTo 0 Exit Function tsTrimNull_Err: Beep MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error: " & Err.Number _ & " in function basBrowseFolders.tsTrimNull" Resume tsTrimNull_End End Function '----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ' Project : tsDeveloperTools ' Description : An example of how you can call tsGetPathFromUser() ' Calls : ' Accepts : ' Returns : ' Written By : Carl Tribble ' Date Created : 05/04/1999 11:19:41 AM ' Rev. History : ' Comments : This is provided merely as an example to the programmer ' It may be safely deleted from production code. '----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Public Sub tsGetPathFromUserTest() On Error GoTo tsGetPathFromUserTest_Err Dim lngFlags As Long Dim lngRoot As Long Dim strHeaderMsg As String Dim varPath As Variant lngFlags = tscBFReturnOnlyFSDirs Or tscBFDontGoBelowDomain lngRoot = tscRFDrives strHeaderMsg = "This is where the header message displays. " _ & vbCrLf & "Note it only holds 2 full lines (about 100 " _ & "characters altogether)." varPath = tsGetPathFromUser(lngFlags, lngRoot, strHeaderMsg) If IsNull(varPath) Then Debug.Print "User pressed 'Cancel'." Else Debug.Print varPath End If tsGetPathFromUserTest_End: On Error GoTo 0 Exit Sub tsGetPathFromUserTest_Err: Beep MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error: " & Err.Number _ & " in sub basBrowseFolders.tsGetPathFromUserTest" Resume tsGetPathFromUserTest_End End Sub <Code> -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Andy Lacey Sent: 06 January 2004 15:42 To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving Subject: [AccessD] Get Folder Name via API Must've done thsi before but can't find it. I want to ask the user for a folder name (into which I'm going to store stuff). I want to use the Windows common file dialog so that it looks neat and offers to create a new folder and so on. However I don't want to put a Common Dialog control on the form (always has version issues) so want to use the API method. But the code I have (from Dev Ashish) insists on a filename not just a folder, and the other code on his site to browse a folder list doesn't use the normal dialog. Anyone got code for this? -- Andy Lacey ________________________________________________ Message sent using UebiMiau 2.7.2 _______________________________________________ AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: