Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Fri Jan 9 20:51:10 CST 2004
On 9 Jan 2004 at 10:53, Andy Lacey wrote: > What web site(s) do any of you use as a reference for API calls, and how to > use them from VBA? Lambert recently sent me some useful tips on the use of > SHBrowseFolder and others among you have given detailed info on other API > calls. But how do you know this stuff? Where can I go to find out for > myself? Sites like Dev's 'The Access Web' have some great stuff, but not a > comprehensive list. > -- To get the VB/VBA declarations grab APIViewer from For a comprehensive set of references download: It's a 17MB download which contains: Microsoft Programmer's Guide to Windows 95 95GUIDE.HLP Microsoft Knowledge Base KBASE.HLP Microsoft Win32 Message (MAPI) Reference MAPI.HLP MIDL Programmer's Reference MIDL.HLP ISAPI Programmer's Reference MISAPI.HLP Multimedia Programmer's Reference MMEDIA.HLP OLE 2.0 Programmer's Reference OLE.HLP OpenGL Programmer's Reference OPENGL.HLP MS Windows Performance Data Helper Reference PDH.HLP MS Windows Pen API Programmer's Reference PENAPI.HLP Win32 Programming Techniques PROGTECH.HLP Remote Procedure Calls Reference RPC.HLP MS Windows Setup API Programmer's Reference SETUPAPI.HLP MS Windows Sockets 2 Reference SOCK2.HLP MS Windows Telephony API Programmer's Reference TAPI.HLP Win32 Programmer's Reference WIN32.HLP Win32s Programmer's Reference WIN32S.HLP Multimedia API Reference MM.HLP Microsoft Windows Developer's Guide GUIDE.HLP Microsoft Tools Reference MSTOOLS.HLP Resource Compiler User's Guide RC.HLP -- Lexacorp Ltd Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System Support.