[AccessD] Saving as *.rpt

Oleg_123 at xuppa.com Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Thu Jan 15 13:44:57 CST 2004

Good afternoon group,

How do I save a file as *.rpt ? should I reference CR somehow ? I am in 97
(can reference CR export, and viewr control) I have no problem saving as
*.xls using the same code


Function file_rename()

Dim objE        As excel.Application
Dim sDate       As String
Dim sEmail      As String
Dim sTMail      As String

Set fs = New FileSystemObject

If WeekDay(Now()) = vbMonday Then
    sDate = Format(Now() - 2, "mmddyyyy")
    sDate = Format(Now(), "mmddyyyy")
End If

Set objE = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

With objE
    .Visible = False
    .Application.Workbooks.Open empfileloc & org_filename
    .Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:=empfileloc & new_filename
& sDate & ".rpt", _
    ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, AccessMode:=xlNoChange
End With

End Function

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