[AccessD] Wake up Call Program

John W. Colby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Jan 17 09:51:17 CST 2004


I have whipped out a pair of classes to do something close to what you are
asking for.  The first class is used to track each thing that needs to be
run (assuming once a day).  In order to create a class, go to the VB Editor,
click Insert / Class.  Into that paste the following (you may need to get
rid of the option statements), then save it as clsWakeup

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'This class holds information about a single wakeup
Private mdteLastRan As Date     'The last date a wakeup was done
Private mdteTimeToRun As Date   'The time to say wakeup
Private mstrProcessName As String   'The process name needing woken up

'The class_Initialize is similar to Form_Open in that it always runs ONE
time as a class opens
'Use this to initialize the LastDateRan variable
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    mdteLastRan = Date - 1
End Sub
'Each instance of this class will hold a time to run (wakeup)
'And a process to wakeup
Function Init(ldteTimeToRun As Date, lstrProcessName As String)
    mdteTimeToRun = ldteTimeToRun
    mstrProcessName = lstrProcessName
End Function
'This function checks whether the process has run in the last 24 hours
'If so it returns true and passes back the process name in a string variable
'passed in
Function Run(lstrProcessName) As Boolean
    'Hasn't run today so check if the time is > mdetTimeToRun
    If Time() > mdteTimeToRun Then
        If Date > mdteLastRan Then
            'Mark mdteLastRun = Now()
            mdteLastRan = Date
            'and return true
            lstrProcessName = mstrProcessName
            Run = True
        End If
    End If
End Function

The class above in instantiated once for each call to be placed in your case

The next class is a "supervisor" class that contains a collection of
clsWakeup (the class above).  It is instantiated once in a form.  The
supervisor class manages the collection of wakeup classes, adding them in on
demand, and closing them down as the form closes.  It also polls each
clsWakeup in the collection once every time its method CheckWakeup is
called.  Again, in the editor click insert / class and paste the following

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'A collection to hold instances of clsWakeup
Private colClsWakeup As Collection

'An event to raise if a clsWakeup instance says its time to wakeup
Public Event ProcessTime(lstrProcessName As String)

'The class_Initialize is similar to Form_Open in that it always runs ONE
time as a class opens
'Use this to create the collection to hold the wakeup classes
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set colClsWakeup = New Collection
End Sub
'Class_Terminate is similar to Form_Close and always runs ONCE as the class
'Use it to unload all the clsWakeup instances in the collection
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub

'As the supervisor class closes, it must unload all the clsWakeup instances
in its collection
Function term()
    On Error Resume Next
    While colClsWakeup.Count > 0
        colClsWakeup.Remove (1)
End Function
'This function is responsible for creating one instance of clsWakeup every
time it is called
Function NewWakeup(ldteTimeToRun As Date, lstrProcessName As String)
Dim lclsWakeup As clsWakeup
    Set lclsWakeup = New clsWakeup
    'It then initializes that instance with the TimeToRun and the
    lclsWakeup.Init ldteTimeToRun, lstrProcessName
    'And finally, it saves a pointer to the clsWakeup instance just created
in the collection
    colClsWakeup.Add lclsWakeup, lstrProcessName
End Function
'CheckWakeup is called by a timer tick on a form.  It cycles through all the
instances of clsWakeup
'in its collection asking each instance if it's time for that instance to
Function CheckWakeup()
Dim lclsWakeup As clsWakeup
Dim lstrProcessName As String

    For Each lclsWakeup In colClsWakeup 'Check each instance of clsWakeup
        If lclsWakeup.Run(lstrProcessName) Then 'If time to run then
            RaiseEvent ProcessTime(lstrProcessName) 'Raise an event telling
the world
        End If
    Next lclsWakeup
End Function

OK, so the class above must be created once in a form whose timer will call
the CheckWakup method to look for wakeups to be performed.  Notice that I
use Raisevent to pass back to the calling form each object in the class that
needs servicing.

So, now we need a form to allow us to manually "program" the supervisor with
times and processes to wakeup, a status to show that something is happening,
and a control to display that a process was awakened.  You need to build a
form with 4 text boxes named txtNewTime and txtProcessName (used to enter
the time and process name to wake up), txtStatus to display a status
message, and txtWakingUp to display the name of the process waking up.  Also
a Command6 command button to close the form.  Then in the text editor to
display the form's module and paste the following in:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Dimension a supervisor class Withevents
Private WithEvents fclsWakeupSupervisor As clsWakeupSupervisor
'When the form closes we need to unload the supervisor class
Private Sub Form_Close()
    Set fclsWakeupSupervisor = Nothing
End Sub
'When the form opens we need to create an instance of the supervisor class
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
    Set fclsWakeupSupervisor = New clsWakeupSupervisor
End Sub
'The close button (standard stuff)
Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command6_Click


    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_Command6_Click

End Sub
'The form's timer event will be used to call the supervisor class'
CheckWakeup method
Private Sub Form_Timer()
    'Erase the last value to make clear that it only was set once / 24 hours
    txtWakingUp.Value = ""
    'And write a status to the status box to make clear that we are calling
this every 10 seconds
    txtStatus.Value = "Checked wakeup list at: " & Now
    'Then call the supervisor's CheckWakup method
End Sub
'This is a very simple way of programming the processes that need to be
wakened every day
Private Sub txtProcessName_AfterUpdate()
    'pass in the time to do the wakeup and the process name of the process
to wake up
    '!!!!notice no error handling such as was anything entered in time!!!!
    fclsWakeupSupervisor.NewWakeup txtNewTime.Value, txtProcessName.Value
    'if the form timer is not initialized, then set the interval to 10
    If Me.TimerInterval = 0 Then
        Me.TimerInterval = 10000
    End If
End Sub
'This is the event from the supervisor that will be raised if any process
needs to be awakened.
Private Sub fclsWakeupSupervisor_ProcessTime(lstrProcessName As String)
    txtWakingUp.Value = lstrProcessName
End Sub


Ok, so the idea is that the user opens the form, which loads the supervisor
class.  The user then enters times and process names into the two text boxes
for this purpose.  As soon as the first process is entered the timer starts
ticking and every 10 seconds checks are made whether to wake someone up.

If any process needs to be awakened,
fclsWakeupSupervisor_ProcessTime(lstrProcessName As String) is called
passing in the name of the process to awaken.

The developer would put a function call in fclsWakeupSupervisor_ProcessTime
to do whatever they want done once a day.

I will eventually get this up on my web site as a Withevents demo.  For now
I am sending the entire database to

John W. Colby

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of Hengky Lie
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 8:54 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Wake up Call Program

How to build a class ? Sorry, my Access level still below than average :-(

John W. Colby

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of Hengky Lie
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 8:54 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Wake up Call Program

How to build a class ? Sorry, my Access level still below than average :-(

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