Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Wed Jan 21 10:34:30 CST 2004
Hey Group I did a finction that separates names into first and last,and makes propercase - ex. Name: "MCDONALD, REYNA" becomes FirstName: "Reyna" LastName "McDonald" How can Insert the 2 new fields into the same table ? I tried Update... Public Function BreakName() 'Separate The Name field to Firs and LastName and ProperCase it 'Uses MDL-Proper Module MsgBox ("hey") Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Set db = CurrentDb Dim strLine As String Dim strSQL1 As String Dim strSQL2 As String Dim FName As String Dim LName As String Dim a As Integer strSQL1 = "Select * From [emp table1]" Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1) Do Until rs.EOF strLine = rs("Employee Name") ' strLine = Proper(strLine) a = InStr(strLine, ",") FName = Mid(strLine, a + 2) LName = Left(strLine, a - 1) 'rs(0) = strLine strSQL2 = "Update [Emp Table1] Set (LastName, FirstName) = Values(" & "'" & FindAndReplace(CStr(LName), Chr(39), Chr(39) + Chr(39)) & "','" & FindAndReplace(CStr(FName), Chr(39), Chr(39) + Chr(39)) & "')" Debug.Print strSQL2 CurrentDb.Execute (strSQL2) rs.MoveNext Loop MsgBox ("end") End Function ----------------------------------------- Get Breaking News from CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS Now. http://www.xuppa.com/news/?link=webmail