Robert L. Stewart
rl_stewart at
Wed Jan 21 14:41:05 CST 2004
See changes below: At 12:00 PM 1/21/2004 -0600, you wrote: >Public Function BreakName() > > >'Separate The Name field to Firs and LastName and ProperCase it >'Uses MDL-Proper Module > > >MsgBox ("hey") >Dim db As DAO.Database >Dim rs As DAO.Recordset >Set db = CurrentDb > >Dim strLine As String >Dim strSQL1 As String >Dim strFName As String >Dim strLName As String >Dim a As Integer > > >strSQL1 = "Select * From [emp table1]" >Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1) > > >Do Until rs.EOF > strLine = rs("Employee Name") > ' > strLine = Proper(strLine) > a = InStr(strLine, ",") > strFName = Mid(strLine, a + 2) > strLName = Left(strLine, a - 1) > > 'rs(0) = strLine rs.edit rs!Fname = strfname rs!Lname = strLname rs.update > rs.MoveNext >Loop > > MsgBox ("end") > >End Function Robert