[AccessD] Re: A2K: Something new

Steven W. Erbach serbach at new.rr.com
Thu Jan 22 12:57:18 CST 2004


>> Sounds intriguing <<

Intriguing? It's a pain in the tuchis! I mean, why, in form design mode, would the application "run" when I try to open the Subform Field Linker? Is it some rogue macro? A missing reference? It acts like there's a missing global RecordSet variable...and I can't get at the Subform Linker.

If I don't try and mess with the subform the application runs just fine...except for the fact that data entered in the naughty sub-subform doesn't show up again when I go back to the ChildID I started with. That's where I noticed the subform linking problem in the first place.

Steve Erbach
Scientific Marketing
Neenah, WI

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