[AccessD] Help with subform/query

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Jul 1 03:42:38 CDT 2004

On 1 Jul 2004 at 10:19, paul.hartland at fsmail.net wrote:

> To all, I have a form which contains just a single text box and a
> subform (Continuous) which contains personnel details.

>  The subform has the following query: .... on the text box of the main
> form (keypress event) I have: 

>Private Sub txtSearch_KeyPress(KeyAscii > As Integer) 
' **** Filter personnel data based on criteria data ****

You are updating your query before the textbox value has changed.

The sequence of events is KeyDown>>Keypress>>Change>>Keyup
So you selection won't appear

Move the select to either the Change or Keyup events.

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System Support.

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