martyconnelly at
Mon Jul 5 21:10:05 CDT 2004
Well you can download the FrontEnd mdb via XMLHTTP, Inet or URLMON.DLL. Choose your poison. After that it is just manipulating as a disk file. Oh yes you can also use winHTTP object on Win98 and up This gives you finer control in a class Download files asynchronously with URLMON.DLL or -------------- 3. Add a MS Inet control to the form (Inet1) 4. Add a textbox (Text1) 5. Set the textbox Text property to "" 6. Add a command button (Command1) 7. In the Command1_Click event, add this code Dim strURL As String Dim bData() As Byte ' Data variable Dim intFile As Integer ' FreeFile variable Dim sFilename As String strURL = Text1.Text sFilename = "C:\Temp\" & Mid(Text1.Text, InStrRev(Text1.Text, "/") + 1) intFile = FreeFile() ' Set intFile to an unused file. ' The result of the OpenURL method goes into the Byte ' array, and the Byte array is then saved to disk. bData() = Inet1.OpenURL(strURL, icByteArray) Open sFilename For Binary Access Write As #intFile Put #intFile, , bData() Close #intFile or -------------- 'This code fires off request to specified WEB page 'returns html, asp, xml, or text page in text string then sent to file on disk 'Makes use of the XMLHTTPRequest object contained in msxml.dll. 'Check off Reference to MSXML Version 2.0 3.0 ' I am using latest Version of IE5 ' should also work with IE5.0 MSXML ver 2.0,2.6, 3.0 etc 'GrabTextFileFromWebSite "" Public Sub GrabTextFileFromWebSite(strMyURL As String) 'Dim oHttp As Object Dim oHttp As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP40 Dim strFileName As String Dim intfile As Integer Dim bData() As Byte 'make use of the XMLHTTPRequest object contained in msxml.dll ' Set oHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP40") 'Set oHttp = GetObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP30") 'oHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 'oHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml" 'oHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data" oHttp.Open "GET", strMyURL, False ' stick in your web page above , file type can be anything asp txt xml html etc. 'depends partially on content type oHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" oHttp.send 'check the feedback Debug.Print "Ready State =" & oHttp.readyState 'normal state =4 Debug.Print "Status =" & oHttp.status 'normal status = 200 Debug.Print "Status Text =" & oHttp.statusText ' Debug.Print oHttp.getAllResponseHeaders() 'Debug.Print "Response Body =" & oHttp.responseBody ' Debug.Print "Response Body =" & StrConv(oHttp.responseBody, vbUnicode) 'Debug.Print "Response Text =" & oHttp.responseText 'Parse response text string here or send to file 'create directory structure if not in existance ' CreateDirectoryStruct ("c:\Accesshtmlstealer") strFileName = "c:\Accesshtmlstealer\Amazon" strFileName = strFileName & Format(Now, "yyyymmddhhmmss") & ".txt" ' WriteFile strFileName, oHttp.responseText 'Temporary storage intfile = FreeFile() ' The file will be saved in the temp folder with the name' Open "c:\temp\" For Binary Access Write As #intfile 'Put #intfile, , bData() bData() = oHttp.responseBody Put #intfile, , bData() Close #intfile ' Exit Sub ErrorHandler: MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & Err.Number ' Resume Next End Sub Robert Gracie wrote: > Has anyone tried this? > > >Robert Gracie > > > > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada