Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software
bchacc at
Tue Jul 13 22:46:51 CDT 2004
John: Re: speed, after the object is late binded, is there any difference in execution speed? Rocky ----- Original Message ----- From: "jwcolby" <jwcolby at> To: "'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'" <accessd at> Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 6:28 PM Subject: RE: [AccessD] more on early versus late binding > Nope, early is not that, and late is not that. > > Early is dimensioning a variable as a specific object type - for example as > an excel object or a word object or a command control etc. then referencing > the object properties directly. > > Dim cbo as combo > debug.print cbo.Name > > Late is dimensioning a variable as an OBJECT data type, then referencing the > property but using the "object object". > > Dim cbo as object > debug.print > > The reason it is called early and late is simply that early binding: > > Dim cbo as combo > > Causes the compiler (interpreter actually) to find and set a reference to > the actual object (class, ocx etc) that the cbo truly is AT COMPILE TIME. > > Late binding causes the interpreter to "discover" what the object is by what > is stored in the variable AT RUN TIME and look up the properties and stuff > in the actual object (library, ocx etc) at run time. > > Thus the early binding causes the map of dim to real thing without ever even > running the code. Late binding simply cannot discover what to do with the > dimensioned variable until the variable is set = to something. > > This is very often used to pass in different things to a function for > example. > > Function MyObject(obj as object) > debug.print > End function > > Function TestObjects() > MyObject MyCbo > MyObject MyForm > End function > > MyObject can be passed ANYTHING at all (objects), a spreadsheet, a word > document, a combo box. What happens inside of MyObject may or may not be > legal depending on what you pass in to the function, but you can pass in ANY > OBJECT AT ALL because the compiler does not check the dimensioned type > against the passed in type (other than to determine that it is an object). > > Function MyControl(txt As TextBox) > Debug.Print txt.Name > End Function > > Function TestControls() > Dim MyCbo As ComboBox > Dim MyTextBox As TextBox > Dim MyForm As Form > Set MyForm = New Form_Form1 > MyControl MyForm '<<<<< ERROR AT RUN TIME > MyControl MyCbo > MyControl MyTextBox > End Function > > Test control will correctly pass in controls but won't run since MyForm is > dimensioned as a form and at RUN TIME the interpreter checks all calls to > MyControl to see if what is being passed in is a variable of type control. > > With early binding, since you dimension an object specifically to its object > type, you can use intellisense because the compiler knows how to find the > object information. With late binding, the object type isn't determined > until something is actually passed in so how can intellisense help you out. > > Hope this helps explain what early and late binding are really all about. > > Now... Setting the reference really has nothing to do with any of this OTHER > THAN allowing some specific object type to be found in a library, and thus > be dimensioned to a specific object type. IOW, If I don't reference the > excel library, I can STILL USE EXCEL, but I have to late bind, dim as an > object, then store an Excel object (spreadsheet, cell etc) in the variable. > If I reference the excel library, now I can early bind and dimension a > variable as a spreadsheet, or a cell, or whatever I want since those things > can be found in a referenced library. > > So setting the reference is neither early binding nor late binding. It > ENABLES early binding. If I reference the Excel lib, BUT NEVER USE ANY > EXCEL CODE... I haven't early or late bound to Excel - I haven't used Excel > in any way whatsoever. However I cannot reference an excel object type (dim > a variable as a cell or spreadsheet etc) unless I reference the Excel > library. > > Referencing a library does nothing more than load (before compiling) a table > of objects inside that library into a table of all possible objects for the > compiler to use to look up dimension statement datatypes in. If a dimension > statement datatype is not found in the table of all possible datatypes, then > a compile error is thrown on the dim statement. > > Clear as mud? > > John W. Colby > > > -----Original Message----- > From: accessd-bounces at > [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Susan Harkins > Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 2:50 PM > To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' > Subject: RE: [AccessD] more on early versus late binding > > > I kind of see the terms early and late -- in Access -- a bit differently > than the way most documentation wants to define them. To me, early just > means the library is referenced, hence the objects are instantiated, but not > being used -- late, the object is instantiated at the time it's needed -- > the reference is implicit. > > I see a lot of documentation that refer to setting references manually via > the References dialog box as "early" binding, but using the References > collection and object are never mentioned -- however... > > Seems to me you're setting the reference and instantiating the objects > without using them, so, to my mind, it's early. > > Susan H. > > > -- > _______________________________________________ > AccessD mailing list > AccessD at > > Website: >